Since 1984, Global Volunteers has been featured on major national and international media, including CNN, CNBC, The Oprah Show, NPR, CBS Early Show, NBC Today Show, CBS Morning with Jane Clayson, CBC Around the World, CBC Travel, BBC World News, the Travel Channel, NBC Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight, Newsweek, Time, People Magazine, USA Today, Parade Magazine, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Travel & Leisure, TV Guide, Ode Magazine, Caribbean Travel & Life, Woman’s Day, The China Daily, MSNBC online,, AARP Bulletin, and travel and service blogs across the internet.
Bloggers and reporters: We would be pleased to arrange interviews with past volunteers in your market, or in your area of interest. Please contact Michele Gran at 800-487-1074 or use the form below to send an email. High-quality photos are available upon request for all our service programs.
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