Our volunteer lodging is generally budgeted for double-occupancy accommodation in hotels and guest houses. As a courtesy, we make available an option for single occupancy, on a first-requested basis, where and when it’s available in the same manner as in the tourist industry. Please note that a single room can be costly, depending upon the base hotel room charge and the added cost for the displaced individual in this arrangement. Private rooms are possible only when such arrangements don’t raise the cost of lodging for the entire team. Not all accommodations can provide this option for you.
Calculating the single room option fee:
Costs for lodging are calculated up to a year in advance, based upon historical numbers of single room requests for the specific accommodations. When setting the fee for a single room, we anticipate the likely number of single rooms within the contracted period with our vendor. The fee you pay is based on the difference between single and double room charges within our contract, plus the cost for the single room of the displaced volunteer.
Availability of single occupancy rooms:
Sometimes, the team configuration will produce a “default” single room which may be offered to volunteers in order of registration. However, no guarantees are promised until the program begins. Late volunteer cancellations/additions and hotel capacity can change up to the time of check-in. The only certain way to secure a private room is to request one at the time you register for your program. If you cancel your place on a team within 60 days of departure, standard refund policies apply, minus single room cancellation fees assessed by the hotel.