Our Vision of Peace and Justice Guides Us
Our vision is simple: To wage peace and promote justice worldwide through mutual international understanding by nurturing genuine community development partnerships. Communities embody their cultural, social, and economic reality, and know their needs and priorities. They realize the barriers to, as well as the possibilities for, their advancement. This local wisdom guides their development projects and is central to Global Volunteers’ work. We recognize that the mere absence of war is not peace and peace without justice is no peace at all. As volunteers, we follow the lead of local people. Our dedicated community partners ensure volunteers’ assistance is appropriate, meaningful, and measurable. We strive to help local people deliver essential services equitably throughout the community, in order to lift up the total community and achieve a safer, respectful and supportive society for everyone.
Our mantra is: “Local people are always in charge.” Genuine development mobilizes empowered people: both those seeking assistance, and those who seek to serve. And long-term relationships are central to our and our community partners success.
Read here in our prospectus how you can deliver essential services.