Catalyze Change – Serve, Sponsor & Support Children Now.

SERVICE is the first step toward making change happen. You provide the energy, skills and encouragement to enable our community partners to help children worldwide. But, volunteers’ program payments cover only a fraction of the material resources needed to SUPPORT children and families year-round. If you can’t volunteer now, please contribute in these other important ways today. Extend your impact as a SPONSOR, donor or supporter in many ways before or after your volunteer experience.

Serve Again.

Working with one child for as little as one week can make a life-long difference. When you register again to help children again, you magnify your impact. Teams of  volunteers throughout the year create a ripple effect – providing  resources that children would likely never otherwise have. Volunteers together personally encourage, teach, inspire, guide, motivate and nurture our world’s future leaders.

  • Serve again and invest in your host community’s families.
  • Offer your skills and interests to other partner communities.

Learn about a new culture and create life-long relationships. Invest in the health and well-being of the next generation of leaders.

Continue your commitment. Serve again.  And again.  You make the difference.

Support Us.

Everyone can help us secure new resources to transform lives. Simply by sharing this page or promoting our work, you inform others about the need.  They can help us serve, sponsor and support children and families. In fact, word-of-mouth referrals are the source of most of our volunteers. Every Facebook, Instagram and blog post or “like” can reach thousands of potential volunteers.  Introduce us to your social network online or in your local community. In just a few minutes, you can extend our efforts exponentially by taking these simple steps:

  • Tell your own social network about Global Volunteers.
  • Let others know you’ve joined a Global Volunteers team.
  • Post photos and reflections from your host community.
  • “Like” and share our Facebook posts.
  • Forward our program blog posts.
  • Hold a presentation for friends and colleagues.
  • Share your enthusiasm for Global Volunteers.

Your recommendation helps us speak to the world. Contact them. Connect us!