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Nepal Community Partners Celebrate Volunteers’ Return in 2023

…helped restore normalcy to the local people’s lives. “It was a long, hard time for the students during the pandemic,” said Stephen. “It had a devastating effect on our communities. Many children and adult students dropped out of school, or just couldn’t continue their schooling. But the presence of volunteers motivated the children to come to school and learn from them again.” The residual economic and educational devastation left in Covid’s wake is unmistakable. Global Volunteers’ Nepalese consultant and director of Papa’s House Children’s Home, Buddi Man Shrestha, said educational assistance is greatly needed now to help repair the societal damage throughout the country. “The epidemic caused a lot of pain in the lives of poor people, and deprived them of business, study, and work,” he insisted. “But now, the volunteers assure us we can rise above the previous situation… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 232.48)


International Community Development Profile: Apendaye Myumbo Family in Tanzania

…they can help me and everyone else around. I always make sure that they get enough time to study after they come back from school. Their performance in school is also very good and now they have become even more active because of the meals they are receiving. So I’m very grateful to the program because it is playing a big role for the good growth of my children. I’m also working hard to provide the necessary needs for them at school. I’m always happy to see my children happy and in good health. In a few months to come, I have a plan to buy a solar system so that my children can have light whenever they want to study at night. “Their performance in school is also very good and now they have become even more active because… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 232.48)


Tanzanian Students Experience First-Hand the Impact of Short-Term Volunteers

…serve. First they can help on a variety of different projects priority to the communities, and also volunteers teach important lessons indirectly, like showing compassion, finding greatness, and taking responsibility to make this world a better place.  Growing up having short-term volunteers in their community helped the girls dream bigger, pursue a career, and help people around them. Both Lulu and Aneth enjoy working with children, and they dream of studying to become doctors, in order to help people, especially mothers and children in their region and generally in Tanzania. Lulu and Aneth promised to be back after they complete their studies, and I can’t wait to see what these beautiful ladies will become.”  Lulu and Aneth with the rest of the volunteers’ team and caregivers in Ipalamwa, Tanzania “Thank you once again Global Volunteers for everything that your doing… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 232.48)


International Community Development Profile: Yunisi Chusi Family in Tanzania

…the symptoms that you have expressed, but they do not diagnose anything. But at the Ipalamwa General Clinic (IGC) there are good services. We can get all the services there. Also, there was a period when there were dentists at IGC. I was very happy and grateful because my teeth were extracted without any pain or problems. Some of my teeth had been weak for years. When the dentists came, we got the service for free. It was amazing. We wish that the dentists could come back because we are still in need of them. I’m so grateful to Global Volunteers. 19-month-old Irene has had a different childhood so far, her mother says, due to the RCP program. “When the dentists came, we got the service for free. It was amazing. We wish that the dentists could come back because… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 232.48)


Young Voices from Peru: Rosita

…I graduated from High School last year. In the short term, I would like to go to college and study theater and graphic design. I would like to study and finish my career. Rosita (green dress) never misses a chance to perform. But honestly, I believe studying theater is going to be really tough because that major is expensive. So I don’t think it’s going to be possible. But I have looked into graphic design and fashion design as well. There are some technical schools that I can go to, so I plan on applying next year. “I had hoped to start studying this year, but the pandemic made it impossible. So now I try to help out younger kids with their school chores at the Community. I like learning new things. I like to try new things. I… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 232.48)


The Importance of English for Global Business

…corporate language was KONE, a Finnish elevator company.  Forty years later, in 2010, Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of the Japanese e-commerce company Rakuten, abruptly declared English their corporate language. At the time, only 10% of Rakuten’s employees spoke English. All were given two years to become fluent in English or face demotion. “It’s stupid for a Japanese company to only use English in Japan when the workforce is mainly Japanese,” said the CEO of Honda Motors Takanobu Ito at the time. Nevertheless, after five years, Rakuten had increased its user base from 200 million to 1.1 billion and doubled its net revenue. During the same period, English became the corporate language at Honda, and Ito was gone. Rakuten’s Mikitani calls this phenomenon “Englishnization” as multinational companies everywhere convert. In fact, according to Tsedal Neeley, professor at Harvard Business School author of… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 232.48)


Music and Movement Teacher Fundraises to Support Ukrainian Mothers Through Service

…a service to many people searching for a way to help. I’ve found that people desperately want to contribute to the refugee crisis but cannot offer their time or services in Ukraine. Their desire to support Ukrainian refugees is met by helping those who have the time and ability to volunteer in person. “I’ve found that people desperately want to contribute to the refugee crisis but cannot offer their time or services in Ukraine. Their desire to support Ukrainian refugees is met by helping those who have the time and ability to volunteer in person.” – Karen Hogan Karen knows that the impact volunteers make ripples out to others, and the effects extend out to entire communities and beyond: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” – Mother… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 227.65)


The Hunger Project and The Sustainable Development Goals

…use the framework of the SDGs as the framework for thinking about how communities end their own hunger,” John explained. “At least 12 of the SDGs require integrated local solutions.  And so we definitely have communities track their progress, on their goals, within the SDG framework. But the national level indicators are usually statistically based and aren’t particularly relevant to communities, so there’s some alignment with SDG indicators, and some not.” John Coonrod (top, center) of the Hunger Project with local leaders and partners in India. He demonstrated the computer program that organizes data from epicenters – local governing bodies which plan and track their goals and outcomes. “The epicenters have subcommittees to work on specific needs. For instance, the epicenter may negotiate with the district government and traditional chief to assign a nurse midwife to the epicenter.” If the… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 227.65)


Tanzania Volunteer’s First Service Program is Also a Journey to Self

…have necessarily traveled to on my own. It was important to me not to be just a traveler though countries and cultures examining things from afar, but rather for me to be “still” in one place, learn about that country and culture, and perhaps help or contribute in some capacity. I strongly believe we learn more about ourselves when we give of our time, energy, thoughts, skills – and of course, money. I was in search of a well-established organization and volunteer program with specific goals outlined as it pertained to the work that they were trying to accomplish.  What I learned and really came to appreciate during my time working with the other amazing Global Volunteers on my team is that each person had a different reason or motivation for volunteering and that when those individual motivations come together… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 227.65)


Global Volunteering Changed Their Perspective on Travel Abroad

Judy Marx, a three-time Global Volunteer alumna, said an ancient Judaism tradition, Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for “world repair”), propelled her search for international volunteer opportunities. The world is imperfect, the lesson teaches, but is in our own hands to make it better every day. Judy and her husband John said they’ve since discovered that volunteerism abroad changed their perspective on travel, and taught them that when you serve others, you gain far more than you give. “Five years ago, a simple search on the internet led my husband, John, and me to the Global Volunteers website. We had never heard of Global Volunteers before, and were hoping that the internet might point us in the direction of more than just another trip. Don’t get me wrong,” she insisted, “We’d loved our Caribbean beach vacations, observing unique creatures in Alaska and (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 227.65)