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Medical Professionals and Students Sought for Health and Wellness Service Projects

…Ward. In both Peru and Tanzania, you can help plant and maintain EarthBox container gardens, and teach these skills to families. If you have specialized skills in raising poultry, maintaining chicken coops and employing low-smoke, fuel-efficient stoves, you can contribute to on-going lessons in these areas. Direct Care and Wellness Projects Global Volunteers’ community partners rely largely on rural health and wellness facilities. In the most impoverished communities where we work, families may access local dispensaries and traditional healers for care. Under the direction of community leaders, we provide assistance in the areas of greatest need with the most modern facilities available. We focus much of our healthcare development work on children in the first 1,000 days of life – starting in early pregnancy and extending through the first 24 months of infancy – because this is when babies’ brains… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 175.39)


Retiree Cites Serving Seniors as Highlight of Cuba Program

…“always delicious.” The “beautiful artwork” seen everywhere; on the walls, the tile work, in the gardens. In a staff interview, Mary Ann elaborates on some of her reflections as a retiree volunteering in Cuba: How did you get to know about Global Volunteers? I was nearing retirement after 37 years in the financial advisor capacity in Clearwater, and wanted to explore potential volunteer opportunities.  I contacted Lynn, who I read about in the local paper, and we set up a meeting time to get together in St. Pete. She graciously shared her experiences and introduced me to another gentleman who later showed me beautiful photos from his own service programs with Global Volunteers.  Both gave me their email addresses and phone numbers, saying if I had any questions or concerns, the door was open to contact them.  When I got… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Students Volunteering Abroad Gain Résumé-Enhancing Experience

…is a fantastic way to make more connections in a casual and fun way. While on a Global Volunteers service program, you will need to work with your team to have the greatest impact in the community where you will be serving. That experience will unite you with the rest of the team. And, unlike a boring networking event, here you can develop friendships for the rest of your life and, who knows, you may find your next job this way! As if that weren’t enough, the best part is that the friendships you can develop will not only be with your team, but with the local people you are serving. Lucie Bonneville, a volunteer in the Cook Islands, comments: “My service experience in the Cook Islands gave me the opportunity to form relationships with so many people. My fellow… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Observations on Teaching Experience in Portugal

…difficulty even hearing and answering the student questions. Even so, on Friday evening, the father of one of the 7th graders gave me a ride “home” from the Polytechnic. We picked his daughter up from soccer club practice and she happily pulled out her phone to show me the selfie of her and me that she had taken earlier. I guess some of the students got something out of my interaction with them! The class at the Polytechnic was interesting. The students were a group of faculty members, professionals and business people from the community who came in after their day’s work for an English class. Interacting with them was much like teaching my graduate courses before I retired – except my graduate students were getting course credits for being there. Some comparisons and contrasts between Portugal and other countries… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


What ‘Life In The New Cuba’ Is Really Like

…interesting than I had been led to believe, ” she tells Tess Vigeland, guest host of All Things Considered. “And so I wanted to go back, especially on the verge of this cataclysmic change that was starting to happen — the departure of Fidel from the scene into the background — and find out how things actually functioned.” Highlights from the interview: On the confusing economy of Cuba: “In order to get any simple commodity, you have to figure who’s selling it, and who needs to be buying it. So it’s just a matter of spending a lot of time and asking a lot of questions. I think that was one of the things I enjoyed most about being in Cuba was the almost childlike position that it put me in. I had to ask so many questions and be… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Help Improve Health and Hygiene for Peruvian Children

…they come to live in the children’s community, they must learn the practice of hand washing. For the families living in Ventanilla, water is expensive, and available for only a few hours a day. Using both soap and water, therefore, is a habit that the children we serve must learn. Workshops are one tool we use in the standard RCP curriculum, along with classroom discussions on self-care. Youth are naturally interested in what volunteers teach, and they pay attention to these lessons, say Sagrada Familia staff. Volunteers come across as fun, friendly, and non-judgmental, so it’s easier for the kids to open up to them and ask the questions they hesitate to bring to their teachers and peers. Deadly diarrhea can be reduced by nearly 50 percent and acute respiratory illness reduced by 25 percent through hand washing with soap… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Vietnamese University Deans: “Please Send Us More Volunteers”

…make it possible to decide which faculty they’ll work with, and to develop the teaching schedule so volunteers can prepare before arrival. Volunteers who can’t provide this information will not be able to serve at FTU. We provide you a helpful guide complete with fun, interactive activities you can adapt to the classes you’re teaching. Work with FTU teachers to prepare business English lessons to help students improve their pronunciation, comprehension and ability to prepare for a career in business. The classes were fun and lively, said Tom Leach. That doesn’t mean they weren’t a lot of work, he admits. It requires commitment and preparation to keep the students engaged. They’re bright and hard-working, he says, and he had to meet several times a week with the teacher to apply his lessons to “stay one step ahead” of the students…. (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Exploring Indian Markets

…one during the late afternoon. I look forward to seeing her tomorrow to learn about the interview. Instead I helped Augustin with math problems. We practiced subtraction, multiplication, and division. Then Nishanth and I worked together for 1 1/2 hours reviewing the vocabulary, practicing exercises related to grammar and speaking questions and answers with each other. Message of the day: If we were to strip away the labels and beliefs human use to describe themselves, and simply focused on caring for one another with love, compassion and kindness, imagine how awesome the world would be. We are one. Visit Global Volunteers’ Volunteer in India website page to learn more about service opportunities in Chennai. Or, chat online with one of our Volunteer Coordinators. We’re ready to assist you with project descriptions, travel questions, registration guidance and other program details.  … (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Cultivating Cross-Cultural Conversations in a Cuban Garden

…an upcoming musical event, and gratitude for the willingness of the local people who look out for everyone’s interests and needs. This group, in particular, never seems to run out of questions or topics for conversation; we’ve discussed so much these past few days with the livelier conversations revolving around what volunteers taught and learned during the conversational English sessions at the community center throughout the past week. Other topics included: visiting Cuba, and other volunteer destinations, traveling as solo travelers, participating in volunteer service programs with family members, and so much more! Who would have thought a few people could tell so many stories and ask so many questions!! Ann Sweeney meets  Cuban friend Yadira on her walk through our partner community. By the end of the first week, the “garden volunteers” had slowed the pace and remarked on… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)


Tanzania Village Parents’ Club Teaches Love, Health and Leadership

…active compared with my older children who were born before I joined the RCP program. They like to go to school every day and their performance in class has increased.” Members of the Tanzania village Parents’ Club wash their hands before starting a meeting at the RCP Center, and they serve as role models in their community on good hygiene measures. Sharing Knowledge Widely Regina says, “The members of the Tanzania RCP village Parents’ Club are role models to other people in the community on behavior changes such as boiling water, hygiene, and hand washing.” Attendees who were taught to boil drinking water to eliminate the bacteria causing stomach upset and diarrhea agreed to help convert neighbors and friends to this practice through their example. Recently, 25 club members together learned how to plant and maintain EarthBox container gardens and (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, %category% in categories, 0 in tags, %taxonomy% in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 174.3)