Teach English in Portugal to Youth & Adults

Be the Change. Be a Global Volunteer in Portugal.

Help students reach their full potential.

Work with children, teens, and adults with varying English abilities in classrooms, community centers, and a correctional facility.  You’re a valued resource here! The picturesque town of Beja – off the tourist trail – has hosted us since 2007.  Help students improve their educational and career opportunities through easy lessons, instructional games and your own creativity.

Get Started in Portugal

Volunteer on the Iberian Penninsula

Volunteer in Beja, Portugal

Local time in Beja:

Required Mobility Level:

Minimum Age:
* Contact For More Information

“We all arrived in Portugal with our dreams of helping to wage peace with another culture through mutual communication, interaction, and respect. I truly believe our dreams came true during our two weeks in Beja.”

“I especially enjoyed seeing the growth in the students’ confidence throughout the two weeks. It was the perfect opportunity to use my skills as a teacher!”

Volunteer Voices: Read and Hear What Volunteers Say About Serving in Portugal