Your Donations At Work

Donations to Global Volunteers are a powerful way to create change and impact the lives of the children and families we serve around the world. See how your donated dollars are used, educating young people, feeding mothers and babies, providing health care, and nurturing families. You are waging peace and promoting justice worldwide and your donations help each person in our partner communities reach their fullest potential. Thank you for all that you give!

Want to see the power of your gift in action? Donate today!

Teen Brings Story of Service Home

Teen Brings Story of Service Home


Volunteer service can be transformative at any age and for 16-year-old Jennah, her family’s service program to Peru left a lasting impression. Inspired by the children and young mothers she met during her time in Peru, Jennah sought ways to meaningfully give back. Jennah created an online fundraiser and asked for donations to fund the vital work of the Reaching Children‘s Potential Program which provides educational workshops, home visits, and health care for families with young children. Jennah’s fundraiser raised enough money to gift each family 3 free medical visits, including any prescribed medications, per year. Families are thrilled to receive this tremendous gift towards improving the health of their young children.

Funding Systemic Change

Funding Systemic Change


The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary recognize the importance of the Reaching Children’s Potential Program in Tanzania. Over the past 4 years, their Ministry Partnership Fund has distributed grants to Global Volunteers focusing on projects that lead to systemic change for women and children in underserved communities. These grants have provided sustainable nutrition through EarthBoxes and chickens and coops, and education for new mothers through interactive workshops and weekly home visits. This generosity will make a generational impact on these families and this community, providing services and resources for years to come.

Brick by Brick

Brick by Brick


The Peter J. King Family Foundation has been an incredible partner to Global Volunteers over the past 5 years. Dedicated to "bricks and mortar” development, the Peter J. King Family Foundation funded both the construction of the House for New Moms in 2021 and most recently the new Ipalamwa Health Centre Operating Suite. Thanks to the Operating Suite, mothers can have safe C-section surgeries without taking the treacherous 2-hour drive to Iringa and people with life-threatening injuries can be treated quickly. With the addition of this expanded service, access to comprehensive emergency care is within reach for all. Thank you to the Peter J. King Family Foundation for helping us provide safe, healthy deliveries for mothers and infants.

Revitalizing Mafia Land

Revitalizing Mafia Land


In Castelvetrano, Sicily, the government has seized land from the mafia and is leasing it to the local Scouts group to use for the benefit of the community. When Kavisha and her son volunteered in Sicily, Kavisha was impressed with the planned changes to the land, transforming wasted space into a center for learning, athletics, and socializing. Kavisha’s generous gift will provide all the tools and materials needed for volunteers in 2025 to clear the property and prepare the land and structures for use. As plans for the space develop, this donation will fund improvements to the property, build shaded learning spaces for camp, add trees to the citrus grove, and maintain existing buildings. Thank you, Kavisha, for seeing the potential in this space for the community!

2024 - What a Year!

2024 - What a Year!


2024 - what a year! Global Volunteers staff worked tirelessly alongside our incredible volunteers and local partners to bring education, health care, and sustainable nutrition to the communities we serve. This work couldn‘t be as robust and comprehensive without generous financial contributions from donors. Donors provided nutrition for families on the Blackfeet Reservation and stocked the pharmacy in Tanzania. Donations also provided workshops for new mothers in Peru and English language summer camps for children in Poland. Our fundraising efforts in 2024 culminated in an enthusiastic year-end campaign, providing a sturdy foundation for the year ahead. We can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together in 2025!

A Holiday Gift Tradition

A Holiday Gift Tradition


Toby has an annual tradition of shopping through Global Volunteers’ Gift Catalog for her family members during the holiday season. Toby selects items that reflect the interests and activities of each of her nieces and nephews to find the perfect gift. This holiday season 125 donors purchased items through the gift catalog to provide school uniforms, chicken coops, library books and so much more to our partner communities. Thank you to Toby for sharing her love of service and philanthropy with the next generation!

Continuing Your Support After Volunteering

Continuing Your Support After Volunteering


Volunteers often have the desire to continue supporting the projects they contributed to during their service program when they return home. A post-service program donation to Global Volunteers is an incredible way to make a sustained impact and ensure local people receive long-term support beyond the volunteers’ time in the community. Donations boost community initiatives and expand the scope of projects for future volunteers. In the last quarter, Global Volunteers received over $12,000 in post-service program donations, with funds earmarked for nutrition programs, mental wellness efforts, educational supplies, summer camp scholarships, and more. Thank you to all our volunteers who serve and donate!

A Legacy for the Future

A Legacy for the Future


When a person believes in the power of service and philanthropy, they want their legacy to reflect this mission. After four service programs, including two in Tanzania, Shirley is helping us continue the life-changing work being done in our partner communities by naming Global Volunteers as a beneficiary in her estate. Years from now, Shirley’s legacy will reflect her dedication to the local people we serve and fund programs that change lives. We extend our deepest gratitude to Shirley for her dedication and commitment, you make so much possible.

Supporting Children in the Cook Islands

Supporting Children in the Cook Islands

Cook Islands

As Laura planned a vacation to the Cook Islands, she considered ways to incorporate local community support into her travel plans. She was impressed with the work Global Volunteers does in local Rarotonga schools to improve literacy and numeracy and decided to contribute funds toward the program. A well-equipped classroom can make a world of difference for a child’s learning experience - thank you, Laura!

The Tom Bell Legacy Society

The Tom Bell Legacy Society


For 40 years, Global Volunteers has been at the forefront of human and economic development and this work is powered by our incredible volunteers and donors. The Tom Bell Legacy Society recognizes and honors those who have made a commitment to include Global Volunteers as a beneficiary in their estate, helping ensure our future sustainability. We invite you to join this distinguished group of individuals who believe in the power of service and philanthropy.

Textbooks for Tanzania

Textbooks for Tanzania


Joe spent the majority of his 2-week Tanzania service program in the classroom at the Fikano Primary School. As a retired educator, Joe was stunned to learn that the children didn’t have textbooks and relied solely on the information the teacher wrote on the chalkboard. Back home, Joe organized a fundraiser among friends and family, raising thousands of dollars for schoolbooks. Today, every student, over 420, are learning from a textbook for the first time!

Rock Camp!

Rock Camp!


Through an incredible foundation grant, one special session of summer camp in Poland turned into Rock Camp! Volunteers provided music, singing, dance, and film lessons for 15 Ukrainian and 15 Polish students, along with field trips and sports. This unique camp session offered a new path to English language education through creative arts, allowing children the opportunity for self-expression and fun combined with learning. This was all made possible thanks to a generous grant and the skills of our volunteer team.

Fighting Infectious Disease with Handwashing

Fighting Infectious Disease with Handwashing


Global Handwashing Day was a great success - thanks to you! In October, the Global Volunteers community came together to raise funds for hand hygiene education and handwashing stations in Tanzania and Peru. Washing hands is the first line of defense against serious illness, and household handwashing stations are keeping families healthy. Donors contributed $1,820 on Global Handwashing Day, which translates to 52 handwashing stations!

You Are Welcome Here

You Are Welcome Here

USA - Texas

Christy and her son volunteered on the Texas program and witnessed the incredible perseverance of asylum-seeking immigrants entering the United States. One of our most at-risk populations, these individuals are welcomed at the local Humanitarian Respite Center, where they receive food, clothing, and a brief rest. Christy’s incredible donation was used to purchase, fill and distribute backpacks with personal care items to uplift these new community members as they prepare to continue their journey.

First-time Volunteer Raises Thousands for Ukrainian Campers

First-time Volunteer Raises Thousands for Ukrainian Campers


When Bob started fundraising for his Poland service program, he was amazed with the enthusiastic response from his network of family and friends. In total, Bob raised $11,000 for the Ukrainian and Polish summer camp programs, far exceeding his original goal of covering his service program contribution. This shows us the power of sharing our stories of service, and how we can move mountains for others with our generosity and spirit of giving.

Volunteer Supports School Feeding Program through IRA

Volunteer Supports School Feeding Program through IRA


Global Volunteers provides school meals twice daily for 1,650 children in four primary schools in Tanzania. When children receive enough food, their bodies and brains work better allowing them to focus on their lessons and remain energized throughout the day. Claire served in Tanzania in 2018 and the school feeding program left a lasting impression on her. She saw the value of this program and has given generously each year to help ensure that shipping costs won’t be a barrier to children receiving adequate nutrition.

Uniform Donation Helps Kids Attend School

Uniform Donation Helps Kids Attend School


In Nepal, children are required to wear a uniform to attend school, often creating a barrier between an eager student and their education. This summer, alumnus Greg made a multi-year commitment to support 26 students at the Anita Milan School. Each student received a new school uniform, books, and stationery, keeping the path paved for their access to education. When children have fewer interruptions in their learning, they achieve more!

Donors Tackle Menstrual Equity in Ipalamwa

Donors Tackle Menstrual Equity in Ipalamwa


Menstrual health and hygiene are often overlooked in rural Tanzania, where girls and women lack access to the resources they need. Thanks to donor support, menstrual workshops and menstruation kits with reusable supplies are given to women and girls enrolled in the RCP Program. Volunteers provided 240 kits during a single service program! These tools help women and girls stay healthy and active in the community during their periods and keep girls from missing school.

Peru Recurring Donors Keep RCP Programs Strong

Peru Recurring Donors Keep RCP Programs Strong


Recurring donors are the backbone for sustained support in our partner communities, like Peru. Our monthly and quarterly donors to Peru fund our most vital RCP components, including educational workshops for new mothers, weekly home visits, handwashing and hygiene supplies, and medical care for families. The RCP Program in Peru currently supports 55 families enrolled in the program. Global Volunteers can continue to grow the RCP Program in Peru, reaching more children and mothers each year, thanks to the generosity of our recurring donors.

Matching Gifts Double Your Impact!

Matching Gifts Double Your Impact!


Global Volunteers receives thousands of dollars in employee matching gifts each year - thanks to you! Many of our volunteers work at companies that will double or triple monetary donations, and some companies also match volunteer hours with financial support. When you double your gift, these funds are put to work in our partner communities, continuing the impact you started during your service program.

Spring Appeal for Poland is Great Success!

Spring Appeal for Poland is Great Success!


Together, our donors can achieve greatness! This spring we asked Poland alumni and friends to financially support Global Volunteers’ summer camp program in Siedlce, Poland. Donations fund field trips, camp meals, Ukrainian and Polish translators, and all the joys and adventures camp can hold for children. $37,000 in donations made camp dreams a reality, providing 7 weeks of summer fun for 200 Ukrainian and Polish children - thank you!

Volunteer Funds Hunger Relief in Puerto Rico

Volunteer Funds Hunger Relief in Puerto Rico

USA - Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico, two of our community partners were struggling to meet the hunger needs in their community. Mary Jo, excited to continue her service, stepped in with a donation to For Such a Time as This that provided a new stove, ceiling fans, and renovation materials at the new Aguada Community Center that will be used to prepare hot meals for the homeless. Mary Jo also provided funding for Probienestar Food Bank, to purchase foodstuffs to use in their daily hot meal preparation and shelf stable food that is distributed daily to the community.

Medtronic Volunteers Enhance Learning in Vietnam

Medtronic Volunteers Enhance Learning in Vietnam


In anticipation of their service program to Vietnam, Medtronic team members bought a 3D model of the human muscle system for the students at Blind-Link. This body model provides a hand-on learning tool for the visually impaired students as they train to become licensed massage therapists. Every step forward these students take in their education means greater professional opportunities and personal independence.

AA Big Books Support Sobriety and Health

AA Big Books Support Sobriety and Health


Global Volunteers is responding to the alcohol abuse problem in Ukwega Ward, Tanzania by introducing Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as part of the Mental Wellness Initiative. Volunteer champion Julie saw the generational impact sobriety can have on families and donated funds to purchase AA Big Books in Swahili for village meetings. These books are vital tools for group leaders, sobriety sponsors, and individuals in recovery.

Clean Water Grant Keeps Children in School

Clean Water Grant Keeps Children in School


Thanks to a grant from Xylem Watermark, 2,700 individuals have greater access to clean water and improved health and hygiene in Tanzania. The $10,000 grant funded two new rainwater water harvesting systems and handwashing stations at the Mkalanga and Makungu Primary schools, handwashing stations for 60 new RCP families in Kisinga village, and ongoing handwashing supplies and maintenance for existing RCP families.

Oceanbags Make a Splash at the Texas Border

Oceanbags Make a Splash at the Texas Border

USA - Texas

Oceanbags Foundation founders and Global Volunteers alumni Toni and Mark saw an opportunity for a partnership this spring in the Rio Grande Valley. Backpacks made from recycled ocean-bound plastics were filled with needed hygiene items by our volunteers and then distributed to asylum-seeking families at the Humanitarian Respite Center. These backpacks and supplies offer much-needed support to families crossing the border into Texas.

Nepal Computer Lab Elevates Learning

Nepal Computer Lab Elevates Learning


Darcy had a life-changing experience serving with the children at St. Joseph School in Nepal. Upon his return home, Darcy felt the need to continue his support and service. His family funded a new computer lab for the students, providing the learning tools needed to elevate their education. Today, all 300 students at St. Joseph School participate in one computer class each day enhancing the scope of their learning for years to come.

Volunteer Donates Books for RCP Peru

Volunteer Donates Books for RCP Peru


After her service program, Elaine wanted to do more for the mothers and children she met while conducting home visits in Peru. Elaine made a donation so that Peru staff could purchase children’s books for families enrolled in Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program, providing colorful enrichment for growing minds. RCP Caregivers report the books are a delight for all ages, with older siblings reading aloud to their younger sisters and brothers.

Welcome to Our Newest Changemakers!

Welcome to Our Newest Changemakers!


Global Volunteers’ monthly giving program, the Changemakers Club, would like to welcome our 10 newest members! Changemaker Club members sustain and grow the programs they are most passionate about. Monthly donations fund nutrition programs for mothers, support Caregiver salaries, keep tools and supplies stocked, and more. Learn about the Changemakers Club here:

Sewing Machines Inspire New Skills

Sewing Machines Inspire New Skills

St. Lucia

In St. Lucia, CARE provides marginalized teens with a holistic vocational education, helping them acquire life skills and income-generating certifications. Several multi-time St. Lucia volunteers have supplied CARE with new sewing machines. Girls and boys are enthusiastically learning this marketable craft, both for their own benefit and so they can expand their future income opportunities.

Student Continues Her Service From Home

Student Continues Her Service From Home


Volunteer service can be life-changing for teens. Four-time volunteer Grace decided to spotlight her volunteer experience during her senior year of high school. With her Racial Equity Club, Grace raised $898 for the Reaching Children’s Potential Program in Tanzania through bake sales, educational talks, and direct donations. Grace shared stories of her experiences in Tanzania and how financial support can continue to serve the children and mothers there.

Grant Provides Seasonal Clothing for Children

Grant Provides Seasonal Clothing for Children


That’s A Wrap has been a generous partner to Global Volunteers and the Ukrainian children we serve in Poland. Multiple grants have provided families with seasonal clothing and new shoes. Global Volunteers has served Ukrainian refugee families living in Siedlce, Poland since 2022, and partners like That’s a Wrap help make it possible.

Gift Catalog Shines Bright at the Holidays

Gift Catalog Shines Bright at the Holidays


Alumni and friends shopped the Global Volunteers Gift Catalog this past holiday season, purchasing meals for mothers and babies, EarthBox container gardens, handwashing stations, school supplies, and so much more. Nearly $10,000 in funding and supplies was provided for our partner communities, helping those we serve stay healthy and thriving. Thank you!

Volunteer Fulfills a Need at Children’s Center

Volunteer Fulfills a Need at Children’s Center

USA - Puerto Rico

While Linda was serving in Puerto Rico, she realized the children at Hogar de Ninos needed a way to keep their outside toys clean from the wet tropical weather. Linda shared her service program experience with friends and received an abundance of thoughtful donations to buy storage containers, toys, and books for the children living at the center. Linda’s gift is helping create joy and inspire imaginations in Puerto Rico.

Music is Changing Lives in St. Lucia!

Music is Changing Lives in St. Lucia!

St. Lucia

Thanks to an extraordinary donation from 4-time volunteer Scott, the children at Anse La Raye Primary School have new recorders, glockenspiels, guitars, and ukuleles for music class! The children are overjoyed with their instruments and are eager to learn. Music education for children benefits their cognitive development, emotional growth, and increases social skills. The children now have more outlets for their creativity to shine.

Year-End Giving Starts 2024 Off Strong

Year-End Giving Starts 2024 Off Strong


Thank you to all our donors who gave during our Year-End fundraising campaign! Your generosity helped Global Volunteers start 2024 on a strong foundation, providing language education, health care services, and nutrition support to the children and families we serve.

Why I Give: Because the Need is Obvious

Peru Alumni Volunteer Kurt Jaeger admits his relationship with kids in Peru is exceptional. On the campus of Global Volunteers' partner, Sagrada Familia, he's revered as an engaging volunteer teacher, a compassionate elder, and more - a talented…

Why I Give: Helping Developing Communities Become Self-Sustaining

Hairston Foundation CEO Roosevelt Hairston and his daughter, Sophia, say Global Volunteers' Reaching Children's Potential Program (RCP) in Tanzania reflects their commitment to advance self-determination for rural Tanzanian communities. As…

Why I Give: This Was a Chance to Help Others

Geri Espy of Clearwater Beach, Florida said the Russian invasion of Ukraine motivated her to help however she could. As a Global Volunteer alumna in Poland in 2003 and in Montana in 2013, she felt we offered a reliable avenue for appropriate…

Why I Give: Ukrainians Need Our Help

In many ways, Michael Woodley is a typical teen. He loves playing guitar, listening to music and hanging out with friends. But, he took an unusual step in April when Russia invaded Ukraine. Having just received a gift of $1,000 from his…

Tanzania Volunteer Moved by “Rescue” of Malnourished Toddler

For 20 years, retired Social Security Administration Paralegal Specialist Shirley Long traveled the world with the goal of visiting all seven continents. After achieving that, her new plan was to have an immersive experience in one community…

Why I Give: Helping Kids Get on the Right Track

Kristie Thompson of Minneapolis says that working in an office with adults all day makes her appreciate the opportunities she has to work with children. "I enjoy the opportunity to support them when they’re little and get them on the right…

Why I Give: Helping to Keep Programs Vital

Since 2007, Cora Thompson has served with Global Volunteers annually, first in Peru with her husband Verlon, and then individually in Romania and Ecuador. Drawn to service since her youth, Cora says she "strives to give to others physically,…

Why I Give: Putting Service at the Center of My Life

A decade ago, California marketing manager Erin Woody was building her career and working excessive hours each week. She loved her job, but was missing a central element of her life: Community service. Determining that "weekend volunteering"…

Why I Give: “The Women’s Strength Inspires Me”

Board member and seven-time volunteer Pam Griffin looks to support Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) in any way she can. For the last few years, Pam has organized two Facebook fundraisers annually – one for…

Why I Give: The Children’s Trust in the Universe Inspired Me

Seven years ago Margaret “Maggi” Gallaher began volunteering with Global Volunteers, and has since served on five programs – in the Cook Islands, Romania, Montana, Peru, and West Virginia. As a pediatrician, Maggi is deeply dedicated…

Why I Give: Finding a New Home in Service

Frances (Fran) Johansen found Global Volunteers at a time in her life when she says she was dealing with "angst." Her husband had recently passed away, she had retired and was thinking about what to do with the rest of her life. Fran describes…
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Why I Give: Assisting Self-Sufficiency

Global Volunteers relies on a steady stream of volunteers to serve in partner communities each year, ensuring that essential services continue. Volunteers are our essential resource - the human capital that partner communities request and require.…

Why I Give: Responding to Families’ Needs Abroad

When Global Volunteers launched an online gift catalog last year, donors welcomed it as a complementary way to support the communities they've served. Read on for two couples' reflections on giving back while their own volunteer travel is…

Why I Give: Volunteers Paying it Forward

Global Volunteers relies on a steady stream of volunteers to serve in partner communities each year, ensuring that essential services continue. Volunteers are our crucial resource - the human capital that partner communities request and require.…

Why I Give: Student Alumnus Sustains Tanzania Dental Support From Home

A mention of  Global Volunteers on our partner's website moved Maddy Aungst, an aspiring dental student, and her dentist father to help meet the needs of families and children in the Reaching Children's Potential (RCP) Demonstration Project…

Why I Give: Alumna Bridges Pandemic to Serve Students from Afar

Barbara 'Bobbi' Dunham's special regard for English-language students was cultivated with Global Volunteers in 2012 in India. She's served regularly since then, forming special relationships with students in the classrooms of Kotun, Poland…

Alumni Fundraising for Change: A Story of Two Committed Volunteers

When Rene Moquin and Annie Weissman thought about how they could further their global impact this spring, the answer seemed clear: reach out to family and friends to conduct fundraisers in support of Global Volunteers’ programs.

Why I Give: Dental Hygiene for Village Children in Tanzania

"Seeing the children’s faces light up as they held on tightly to their new dental tools was so heartwarming. At that moment I was so proud of our fundraising efforts and the people who helped my dream become a reality!" This was the first…