Travel to Cuba as a Volunteer

You Can Travel to Cuba Legally

Serve on legal and deeply meaningful Cuba travel on carefully curated volunteer programs.

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“Global Volunteers will help us bring about the necessary changes our nation craves through friendship and support. We’re building bridges over which our governments will walk.”

Cuba with Global Volunteers was rewarding, safe, fulfilling, and fun.  It was everything I hoped for!”

“Every Cuban I met, from the airport personnel upon arrival to host families, the Cuban Program partners, and the people we met on the streets were helpful, friendly, curious, and open.”

“When I’m in Cuba, this time I think I’m going to feel it’s even more important to show that I’m there to help – and volunteer in any way I can to show by example the better side of Americans.”

“The trip was a remarkable opportunity to connect with the Cuban people – including the chance to stay with hosts in comfortable casas.  If you stayed in an expensive hotel, and only visited Old Havana and beaches, you’d miss out on a really valuable slice of Cuban life!”

“It was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life. Spending hours and hours with the same students, practicing English, allowed us to develop deep friendships with the people of Cuba. I was even able to visit one of my students in her home.  I highly recommend this program.”

“This was heart-to-heart service. We connected with all sectors of society – farmers, bee-keepers, maids, students, church-goers, and everyone on the street. What united us was work, laughter, and music. Regardless of governments, people will still connect.”

“I’m humbled by these all-too-brief two weeks in Ciego de Avila. There may be economic hardships here, but there is also much generosity, love, kindness, goodness, and oh yes, unbridled happiness! It has been in the volunteer work that we have really come to know and, to some degree, understand the Cuban soul.”

“Cuba has an essence that stirs the heart and soul. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Add it to your bucket list, and then go now!” 

“I’m amazed at the generosity of the people…and the richness of their souls. It was such a privilege just to be standing among them at a church service – and to work with them every day.”

“I’m convinced that the only way to really learn about Cuba – the old and the new – is through Global Volunteers. For Shirley and me, it was the trip of a lifetime.

“We felt part of the community. The farmers at the organic garden were a delight to work with. One of them approached us in town on Sunday morning with a big smile of recognition. Another brought us fruit for our lunch. Their openness was heart-warming.

“Experiencing the way the Cuban people live is amazing, and I felt like I learned so much in this trip. It was rewarding in so many ways. I hope I made an impact on my new friends as much as they have left an impact on me.” 

Be the Change. Be a Global Volunteer in Cuba.

Meaningful Community Service.

Based upon your skills and interests, you’re assigned to one or more service projects – including practicing conversational English with youth and adults, supporting and assisting seniors, creating crafts with a local women’s cooperative, and helping with light construction and/or painting. Everyone is needed; everyone can be meaningfully engaged. Flights into Havana are available from many U.S. airports for direct access to our on-going Havana Service Program.


Get Started in Cuba

Havana and Ciego de Ávila

Volunteer in Havana, Cuba

Local time in Cuba:

Required Mobility Level:

Minimum Age(s):
  • Havana - 12

Our program in Cuba requires volunteers to be mobile for the following reasons:

  • Volunteers in Cuba are transported in passenger vans. Volunteers must be able to climb in and out of passenger vans unassisted.
  • Volunteers in Havana must be able to walk at least 0.5 miles in heat and humidity, as it can be warm and humid at any time of year in Cuba. Additionally, there are many broken and uneven sidewalks and streets, and volunteers should be able to navigate uneven terrain without issue. Due to electricity constraints, buildings, streets, and sidewalks can also be dark at night. Volunteers need to be able to safely navigate in the dark.
  • Some work projects may require volunteers to be able to climb at least two flights of stairs.


Genuine development projects to help children thrive. Service-learning programs for families, groups, and individuals.

“I felt renewed and grounded by the sewing group. As I sat with the women, I was struck by the memory of sitting with my mom and my grandmother in a similar situation as a 4-year-old. Feeling a kinship with all women in  the broadest and most minute sense.  The safest moments in my life.  Thank you for the huge role you played in aligning the planets so that I may have it again.”  – Cuba Volunteer Pat Graham

Global Volunteers service programs fulfill the requirements of legal travel to Cuba under US law by general license. Read regulations here. Our programs enable you to:

  • Devote a full-time schedule (40 hours per week) of meaningful service alongside Cubans.
  • Support the Cuban people through activities to strengthen civil society in Cuba.
  • Are lodged in casas particulares (privately-owned homes that rent out rooms) and eat in privately-owned restaurants (paladares).
  • Shop at privately-owned stores and visit private theaters, art museums, nonprofit foundations (during free time).
  • Keep a full and accurate record of your daily activities.

US law prohibits engagement in “tourist” pursuits such as beach activities, shopping at a government-owned cigar shop, or lengthy visits to similar attractions.

Free time: During non-work hours, you are free to participate in authorized activities at your own expense.

volunteer in Cuba

Volunteer in Cuba: Overview by Community

LodgingB&B-style lodging
English conversationYes
Light laborYes
Community gardensN/A
Senior meal preparationN/A
Elder supportYes

Volunteer Voices: Read and Hear What Volunteers Say About Service in Cuba