Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in January 2022!
The Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 53 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in January, 2022. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 18 children!
HappyGod Lupembe – January 2, 2021 from Ukwega
Amina Makinya – January 8, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Elina Kahemela – January 11, 2021 from Ukwega
Audrey Tarimo – January 12, 2021 from Lulindi
Eveliana Chusi – January 21, 2021 from Mkalanga
Rightness Nosa – January 27, 2021 from Ukwega
Fadhila Katindasa – January 29, 2021 from Mkalanga
Zawadi Katindasa – January 29, 2021 from Mkalanga

Daniel Mgovano – January 1, 2021 from Makungu
Rapha Kaywanga – January 3, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Baraka Msamba – January 6, 2021 from Makungu
Iven Nyamoga – January 13, 2021 from Mkalanga
Jadilin Chota – January 19, 2021 from Ukwega
Gideon Mfugale – January 20, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Habiri Myumbo – January 22, 2021, from Ukwega
Jordan Nyamoga – January 26, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Ibrahim Kasuga – January 28, 2021 from Ukwega
Yosia Mbata – January 29, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:

Jordan Nyamoga
Ipalamwa village
Jordan’s mom joined the RCP Program in October 2020 when she was six months pregnant with Jordan. Jordan’s favorite foods are cooked bananas with meat and avocados. He likes to play with toy cars made with plastic containers. Jordan is the first born in his family. Jordan is doing great and is in good health. His mom says that she is very grateful for the program and especially the services she and her family have been receiving at the Ipalamwa General Clinic.
Elina Kahemela
Ukwega village
Elina’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2021 when Elina was seven months old. Elina’s favorite food is the fortified porridge provided by Global Volunteers. She loves playing with toys. She is the first born in her family. When Elina’s mom joined the program, Elina was not in good health. According to her measurements, she was stunted. Her mom says that through the regular home visits and help provided by her RCP Caregiver, Elina’s health improved significantly in a short time. Elina has been meeting her milestones in the last few months and is in good health.

Habiri Myumbo
Ukwega village
Habiri’s mom joined the RCP Program in September 2020 when she was five months pregnant with Habiri. Habiri’s favorite foods are cooked bananas and avocados. He loves driving car toys around. Habiri has three siblings: brother Shaibu who is fourteen years old and just finished primary school and is preparing to go to secondary school this month, sister Nesta who is eight years old and in Standard Three, and sister Holiness who is seven years old and in Standard One. Habiri is in good health and doing great. Habiri’s mom says he is different from her other three children in that he hasn’t been sick as a baby as they were. His mom says the program is so helpful and because of the education she has obtained through the workshops and home visits, Habiri is developing in better health.
Audrey Tarimo
Lulindi village
Audrey’s mom joined the RCP Program at its inception in July 2017. Audrey’s favorite foods are smashed bananas, milk, and fruit. She likes playing with toys and studying with support. Audrey has a brother named Gian who is four years old and in kindergarten. Audrey’s mom says she is so happy with the RCP Program and the services offered at the Ipalamwa General Clinic. When she delivered Audrey, she says the staff made sure both she and her baby were safe. She hopes her child will grow in good health and reach her full potential.
Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of 11 children!
Joseph Munyi – January 1, 2020 from Lulindi
Clevian Balama – January 6, 2020 from Makungu
Brown Kikoti – January 6, 2020 from Makungu
Cathbet Kikoti – January 9, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Joshua Chula – January 18, 2020 from Mkalanga
Prince Luena – January 19, 2020 from Mkalanga
Clever Makilika – January 20, 2020 from Mkalanga
Jerryson Chahe – January 22, 2020 from Makungu
Wolrio Azrikam – January 24, 2020 from Lulindi

Tekla Fugutilo – January 14, 2020 from Mkalanga
Dainesy Ntilihungwa – January 20, 2020 from Ukwega
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their second birthdays this month:

Jerryson Chahe
Makungu village
Jerryson’s mom joined the RCP Program in November 2019 when she was seven months pregnant with Jerryson. Jerryson’s favorite food is rice with meat and avocados. He is the first born in his family. He loves playing with local toys made with plastic bags and wood. Jerryson’s family is very happy to be a part of the RCP Program in which they receive free medical services at the Ipalamwa General Clinic, nutritious porridge, and education from their caregiver and through workshops, they say.
Dainesy Ntilihungwa
Ukwega village
Dainesy’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when she was two months pregnant with Dainesy. Dainesy’s favorite foods are sweet potatoes and beans. She likes playing hide and seek with other children in her neighborhood. She has two siblings: brother Samsoni (age 14) and sister Zaneta (age 11). Dainesy’s mom says Dainesy is clever and in good health. “Due to regular home visits and workshops, I have managed to master things like hygiene and drinking boiled water. Due to the implementation of those practices, my baby has never experienced diarrhea and she is growing very healthily compared to my other two kids at her age,” she says.

Brown Kikoti
Makungu village
Brown’s mom joined the RCP Program in September 2019 when she was five months pregnant with Brown. Brown’s favorite foods are fruits as well as rice and beans. He likes to play soccer with balls made with local materials. Brown is the first born in his family. Brown’s mother says she is very thankful for the program since she has been receiving education on different topics through the workshops and it has helped her to raise her child in good health.
Joshua Chula
Mkalanga village
Joshua’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2020 when Joshua was six months old. Joshua’s favorite foods are: ugali, bananas, avocados, and green vegetables with beans. He likes playing with animals at home and playing with his father building tools. Joshua is the first born in his family. His mother says she is happy that both she and her child have had a chance to grow in the community, and the community is lucky to have the chance of benefiting from good health and nutrition services for free. This, she says, has enabled her child to grow well while receiving the help and support he needs to be a healthy and strong child.
Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should be making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 9 children!
Letina Kikula – January 2, 2019 from Makungu
Nancy Mhenga – January 11, 2019 from Mkalanga
Aneth Lufyagila – January 14, 2019 from Makungu
Emaklata Chusi – January 19, 2019 from Mkalanga
Angel Kitosi – January 28, 2019 from Ukwega

Reyvan Kikoti – January 20, 2019 from Lulindi
Daniel Kasuga – January 21, 2019 from Ukwega
Baraka Myungile – January 22, 2019 from Mkalanga
Clever Ngusulu – January 25, 2019 from Makungu
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their third birthdays this month:

Baraka Myungile
Mkalanga village
Baraka’s mom joined the RCP Program in October 2018 when she was six months pregnant with Baraka. Baraka’s favorite food is rice with beans and ripe bananas. He likes playing soccer with his siblings. Baraka has four siblings: sisters Agiza (age 20) and Elenida (age 16), and brothers Nehemia (age 14) and Abrey (age 9). Baraka’s parents hope that Baraka will be a nurse when he grows up. His mom says she enjoys the program because of the good services that are free of charge and very helpful in her life. She has immense gratitude for all the staff of the RCP Program and the Ipalamwa General Clinic.

Angel Kitosi
Ukwega village
Angel’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Angel was five months old. Angel’s favorite food is rice and beans. She likes playing with balls and jumping rope. She has four siblings: brother Lusta (age 18), sister Tulia (age 15), sister Setina (age 12), and brother Gaita (age 9). Angel’s mother says she is so thankful for the program because she sees a great difference between her daughter Angel and her other children. She says Angel is very bright and understands things more easily than her other children at the same age. She says she is also in better health.
Letina Kikula
Makungu village
Letina’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2019 when Letina was six months old. Letina’s favorite foods are ripe bananas, avocados, and rice with meat. She likes playing with local toys. Letina has one older brother, Jackson, who is seven years old. He is in Standard Two and is staying with his grandmother in another village. Letina’s mom says she is so appreciative of Global Volunteers and the RCP Program since it has helped her to know how to raise her baby. She hopes Letina will become a doctor when she grows up.
Nancy Mhenga
Mkalanga village
Nancy’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Nancy’s favorite foods are fruits as well as rice and beans. She likes playing with local toys and helping her mother with household activities such as fetching water. She is the first born in her family. Nancy’s mom hopes she will become a nurse when she grows up. Her mom truly appreciates the program because of the good services she has been receiving, including the medical services at the Ipalamwa General Clinic.

Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate 15 children who are turning 4!
Sila Mgeveke – January 2, 2018 from Lulindi
Emmanuel Kasuga – January 3, 2018 from Ukwega
Erasto Mfulu – January 4, 2018 from Makungu
Rayvan Lwanzali – January 5, 2018 from Mkalanga
Joel Segesela – January 6, 2018 from Lulindi
Tuzo Kasuga – January 7, 2018 from Mkalanga
Japhet Ngendelo – January 10, 2018 from Lulindi
Amani Kilave – January 16, 2018 from Ukwega
Brayan Mbwelwa – January 20, 2018 from Mkalanga

Tunaitwa Duma – January 9, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Sujudu Duma – January 9, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Vaileth Msamba – January 15, 2018 from Mkalanga
Herieth Motto – January 23, 2018 from Makungu
Isack Msungu – January 24, 2018 from Ukwega
Princes Kasuga – January 29, 2018 from Mkalanga
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their fourth birthdays this month:

Rayvan Lwanzali
Mkalanga village
Rayvan’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2018 when Rayvan was five months old. Rayvan’s favorite foods are fruits and rice with beans or meat. He likes playing soccer, making toys, farming, playing with his sisters, and driving toy cars. He has two sisters: Rebecca (age 6) and Levina (age 2). Rayvan is growing well and is happy and active. His mom says she is grateful for all the help she has received since she joined the program in 2018 as it has supported her in raising her children well, free of hunger and common diseases that were once attacking her children, like diarrhea. She says the services she has received in the program continue to strengthen her children’s health.
Vaileth Msamba
Mkalanga village
Vaileth’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018 when Vaileth was one month old. Vaileth’s favorite food is ugali with fish. She loves to play with toys. She’s the first born in her family. Vaileth’s mom hopes she will become a doctor when she grows up. Her mom says she loves the program and it’s helpful for her child and herself because of the good health services and nutritious meals she receives free of charge as a beneficiary of the Global Volunteers program.

Joel Segesela
Lulindi village
Joel’s mom joined the RCP Program in November 2017 when she was seven months pregnant with Joel. Joel’s favorite foods are ugali, pilau, meat, and potatoes. He likes playing soccer with other children, singing, and drawing. Joel has five sisters: Yosepha (age 17) and who has completed primary school, Lelea (age 14) who is in Standard Six, Anna (age 10) who is in Standard Four, Jeifer (age 8) who is in Standard Two, and Remina (age 5) who is in kindergarten. Joel’s mom says she is so happy with all the services offered in the RCP Program. She hopes Joel will become a doctor when he grows up.
Emmanuel Kasuga
Ukwega village
Emmanuel’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Emmanuel’s favorite food is rice with fish and avocados. He likes playing soccer with other children. He is the first born in his family. Emmanuel is doing well and is in good health. He is a very smart and active child. His parents hope he will become a doctor when he grows up.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) in this story.
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