At just 14 years old, Prem Garg embarked on a transformative volunteer experience in Greece this past spring with her father Priank. Passionate about volunteering, she has consistently sought opportunities to help others, from organizing extracurricular activities at her school in Dubai to engaging in various community projects. She decided to volunteer abroad with Global […]
Global Volunteers
375 East Little Canada Road
St. Paul, MN 55117-1628 USA
(800) 487-1074 | toll-free
(651) 482-0915 | fax
Federal EIN: 36-3352680
375 East Little Canada Road
St. Paul, MN 55117-1628 USA
(800) 487-1074 | toll-free
(651) 482-0915 | fax
Federal EIN: 36-3352680