Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in February 2022!
The Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 44 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in February, 2022. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 7 children!
Costa Mlawa – February 5, 2021 from Mkalanga
Aivan Chumbula – February 9, 2021 from Mkalanga
Johnson Kidava – February 14, 2021 from Makungu

Neema Myamba – February 20, 2021 from Mkalanga
Verediana Mkuyu – February 25, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Stamili Fugutilo – February 26, 2021 from Mkalanga
Selina Simbeye – February 27, 2021 from Makungu
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:

Stamili Fugutilo
Mkalanga village
Stamili’s mom joined the RCP Program in April 2021 when Stamili was two months old. Stamili’s favorite foods are pumpkin and ugali with beans. She likes to play with toys made with pieces of clothes. Stamili has six siblings: sister Jevina (age 22) who is married, sister Halima (age 20) who lives in Arusha, sister Faraja (age 16), sister Elifa (age 12) who is in Standard Five, brother Razac (age 7) who is in Standard One, and sister Dorcas (age 4). Stamili’s mom says she appreciates the program since she can get nutritious porridge which helps the baby to grow well and healthy.
Selina Simbeye
Makungu village
Selina’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2021 when Selina was born. Selina’s favorite food is rice and beans. She likes to play with local toys with her brother and other children. Selina has two siblings: sister Victoria (age 7) who is in Standard Two and lives with her grandmother in another village and brother Nashon (age 5) who is in kindergarten. Selina is a happy and healthy baby. She loves to smile. Selina’s mom says Selina loves to eat and eats everything her mom gives her. Selina’s mom is grateful for the program since it has helped her to get nutrition education and that is why her baby is healthy, she says. She hopes that Selina will continue growing in good health and become a lawyer when she grows up.

Aivan Chumbula
Mkalanga village
Aivan’s mom joined the RCP program in August 2019. Aivan’s favorite foods are mashed potatoes with meat and the porridge provided by Global Volunteers. He likes playing with other children using empty plastic bottles and making mud houses. Aivan is the first born in his family. Aivan is a vibrant, healthy baby. Aivan’s mom says that she hopes all her future children will grow as Aivan has. She says she is happy that she was lucky enough to be in the program and get all the necessary help that her child needs for proper growth and development like clinic health services, meals, regular growth monitoring, and advice to follow for her child to grow as a healthy child.
Johnson Kidava
Makungu village
Johnson’s mom joined the RCP Program in April 2021 when Johnson was two months old. Johnson’s favorite foods are ugali, beans, bananas, and mangoes. He likes playing with local cars made with boxes, singing, and clapping his hands. Johnson has one brother, Jovin, who is three years old. Johnson is doing well. He is standing on his own. His mother says the program has helped her, especially practicing exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months because she had not done this with her older son. She says that she has seen that the baby has never gotten sick and he has been very active.

Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of 16 children!
Yesta Kitosi – February 3, 2020 from Ukwega
Andalena Kitosi – February 4, 2020 from Ukwega
Neema Kibodya – February 11, 2020 from Lulindi
Cleopatra Mdota – February 13, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Myla Lwiva – February 21, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Joynet Mpalanzi – February 23, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Fridaeli Kigali – February 23, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Atimiza Mhadisa – February 29, 2020 from Mkalanga

Christopher Kivamba – February 8, 2020 from Makungu
Norbeth Chota – February 9, 2020 from Lulindi
Edga Nywagi – February 13, 2020 from Ukwega
Jenson Mgoba – February 18, 2020 from Ukwega
Richard Luwola – February 19, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Jacob Luginile – February 19, 2020 from Lulindi
Hosea Kahemela – February 22, 2020 from Mkalanga
Stephano Msete – February 28, 2020 from Ipalamwa

Hosea Kahemela
Mkalanga village
Hosea’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Hosea’s favorite food is rice with meat. He likes to play with toys. He has two older brothers: Bariki (age 11) who is in Standard Five and John (age 7) who is in Standard One. Both of his brothers attend Mkalanga Primary School. Hosea’s mom really appreciates and enjoys the program because it’s helpful for the growth and development of her child. Hosea is a very creative boy and his mindset is very active on remembering different things, especially as compared to his older brothers, his mother says. His mom hopes that he will become a doctor when he grows up.
Christopher Kivamba
Makungu village
Christopher’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2021 when Christopher was one year old. Christopher’s favorite foods are ugali, meat, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. He likes drawing on the ground and dancing to music with other children. He is the first born in his family. Christopher’s mom says she is very grateful for the program as she was worried about how to raise her child because she became pregnant at a very young age. Since she joined the program, she says, she has received education on how to take care of her child. Her baby is doing well, is in good health, and is very charming.

Atimiza Mhadisa
Mkalanga village
Atimiza’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2018. Atimiza likes eating any food with beans, but her absolute favorite is ugali with beans and avocado. She likes playing with toys with her brothers. She has two older brothers: Fidres (age 7) who is in Standard One at Mkalanga Primary School and Nathan (age 4). Atimiza was stunted when she was a baby according to her monthly measurements taken at the Ipalamwa General Clinic, but her mom says she is thankful as her child is growing just fine now. She is thankful for the advice and effective home visits she has been receiving from her RCP Caregiver because she used to give Atimiza local medicine when she was sick, but following the advice given to her, she takes Atimiza to the clinic now. She says that because of this, her child has gotten better and is gaining weight.
Andalena Kitosi
Ukwega village
Andalena’s mom joined the RCP Program in March 2020 when Andalena was one month old. Andalena’s favorite foods are rice with beans and vegetables with avocado. She likes playing with dolls and dancing to music with her friends. She has one sister, Sarafina, age seven. Sarafina’s mom is so grateful for the program, which she says has given her the opportunity to learn about various topics such as nutrition while breastfeeding. She says that before she joined the program, she did not have that knowledge. She says she was raising her first child, Sarafina, with so many challenges due to a lack of knowledge and raising Andalena has been easier for her.

Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should be making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 10 children!
Ozili Kasuga – February 7, 2019 from Mkalanga
Elaik Ngalembula – February 8, 2019 from Mkalanga
Ezania Kasuga – February 22, 2019 from Ukwega

Herieth Mwilafi – February 3, 2019 from Makungu
Glory Kigala – February 11, 2019 from Ukwega
Ester Edson – February 13, 2019 from Ukwega
Upendo Msamba – February 14, 2019 from Mkalanga
Antonia Chavala – February 18, 2019 from Makungu
Abigael Ngalembula – February 24, 2019 from Mkalanga
Evelina Mhole – February 28, 2019 from Ukwega

Ester Edson
Ukwega village
Ester’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Ester was four months old. Ester’s favorite foods are rice, meat, bananas, and avocados. She likes jumping rope with other children and her brother. She has one older brother, Ebenezer, who is nine years old and in Standard Five. Ester’s mom says she is so grateful for the RCP Program because it’s so helpful in raising her baby. She says everything she has learned through workshops on nutrition, the importance of exclusively breastfeeding, handwashing, bonding and attachment, healthy pregnancy, and hygiene as well as the reinforcement of this knowledge through home visits has helped her significantly. She says the practice of what she has learned has led her baby girl to become healthy and bright. Ester’s mom says Ester’s development is different from her older sister’s.
Evelina Mhole
Ukwega village
Evelina’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Evelina was four months old. Evelina’s favorite foods are cooked bananas and sweet potatoes. She likes to make balls with plastic bags and play netball. Evelina has one older brother, Brayton, who is five years old. Through effective home visits with her RCP Caregiver, Evelina’s mom says she has been receiving advice on how and what to feed Evelina. Her mom has been following that advice and Evelina has gained weight and has been free of repeated infections. She also says Evelina has been growing in better health than her brother was at her age.

Abigail Ngalembula
Mkalanga village
Abigail’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Abigail likes to eat ugali with beans. She likes to play with local toys made with pieces of clothes with her friends. She is the first born in her family. Abigail had been ill several times, but due to effective home visits emphasizing good hygiene practices and going to the Ipalamwa General Clinic when the baby was ill, Abigail is now growing well and has not had health problems in the last several months. She has gained weight as well. Abigail has good understanding of many things, her mom says. Her mom hopes Abigail will become a doctor when she grows up.
Upendo Msamba
Mkalanga village
Upendo’s mom joined the RCP Program in January 2019 when she was eight months pregnant with Upendo. Upendo’s favorite food is ugali with vegetables. She likes to wash dishes and play with balls with other children. She is the first born in her family. Upendo is very active child. She plays well with other children. She speaks both Swahili and her mother tongue, Hehe, very well. She is capable of asking for what she needs from her parents. She is in good health and has a good appetite as well. Upendo’s mom said that the program is helpful since it provides education about health and family matters.
Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate 11 children who are turning 4!
Ivon Mhungulu – February 1, 2018 from Ukwega
Tumaini Nyika – February 6, 2018 from Lulindi
Negress Lusasi – February 20, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Oliver Nyagawa – February 24, 2018 from Makungu
Adela Frank – February 28, 2018 from Lulindi
Linda Kitosi – February 28, 2018 from Lulindi

Abi Nosa – February 1, 2018 from Ukwega
Gian Mrutu – February 2, 2018 from Lulindi
Gefrey Kikoti – February 22, 2018 from Ukwega
Andrew Mtendi – February 26, 2018 from Mkalanga
Ivan Kikoti – February 28, 2018 from Makungu

Negress Lusasi
Ipalamwa village
Negress’s mother joined the RCP Program in June 2018 when Negress was four months old. Negress’s favorite foods are rice, beans, ugali with fish, and fruits, especially pineapple and avocados. She likes to play kitchen, play with toys, sing, count, and write. Negress is the first born in her family and her mom is due this month with her second child. Negress is very active. Her mother hopes Negress will be able to get higher education so that she can have a good and improved life. She says that since she has been receiving education from the workshops and from her RCP Caregiver, along with the medical services at the Ipalamwa General Clinic, she has been supported in raising her child in good health.
Tumaini Munyi
Lulindi village
Tumaini’s mom joined the RCP Program in March 2018 when Tumaini was one month old. Tumaini’s favorite foods are ugali with vegetables and rice with beans and potatoes. She likes playing soccer with other children and dancing. She is the first born in her family. Her mom says she appreciates RCP so much because through home visits with volunteers, she was able to share her story about suffering two miscarriages with Dr. Suzan, who was a volunteer. Tumiani’s mom says it was a good mother-to-mother time to share experiences.

Ivon Mhungulu
Ukwega village
Ivon’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Ivon’s favorite food is rice and beans with ripe bananas. She likes playing soccer and driving toys with her siblings. She has five siblings: sister Felister (age 22), brother Ibrahim (age 14), brother Musa (age 12), sister Faida (age 10), and brother Abudu (age 6). Ivon’s mom says Ivon is very different in terms of her growth as compared to her other children, who had repeated infections when they were young and did not grow well. Ivon faced the same challenge before her mother joined the program, but Ivon started doing better after going to the Ipalamwa General Clinic for healthcare services and receiving home visits from her RCP Caregiver on various issues such as hygiene. Ivon is growing very well now and has been gaining weight. Her mom says she is a fast learner compared to her siblings.
Gian Mrutu
Lulindi village
Gian’s mother joined the RCP Program in June 2018 when Gian was four months old. Gian’s favorite foods are cooked bananas, beans, ugali, vegetables, fish, and fruits, especially avocados. He likes to play soccer with his friends and his younger sister. Gian has one sibling, Audrey, who is a year old. His mother is very thankful for the program since she has been receiving medical services at the Ipalamwa General Clinic as well as education through the workshops and from her RCP Caregiver, which have helped her to raise her child in good health. Read more about Gian’s family here.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) in this story.
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