Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in May 2022!
The Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 50 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in May, 2022. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 18 children!
Jestina Lwanzali – May 9, 2021 from Mkalanga
Cleria Msamba – May 10, 2021 from Makungu
Cleopatra Mdemu – May 16, 2021 from Mkalanga
Miriam Ngalembula – May 24, 2021 from Makungu
Martha Mbwilo – May 25, 2021 from Mkalanga
Caren Husein – May 29, 2021 from Mkalanga
Evagrini Kisapile – May 30, 2021 from Ukwega

Bernad Meela – May 4, 2021 from Ukwega
Ramadhani Yasini – May 9, 2021 from Ukwega
Elvini Msemwa – May 10, 2021 from Ukwega
Musa Mlengela – May 13, 2021 from Lulindi
Clinton Kahemela – May 18, 2021 from Makungu
Edom Ngaile – May 19, 2021 from Mkalanga
Hamza Kasuga – May 23, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Musa Kihongo – May 25, 2021 from Ukwega
Justin Giha – May 28, 2021 from Mkalanga
Daniel Kaguo – May 31, 2021 from Ipalamwa
Karim Kasuga – May 31, 2021 from Mkalanga
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:

Innocent Mfilinge
Makungu village
Innocent’s mom joined the RCP Program in March 2021 when she was seven months pregnant with Innocent. Innocent’s favorite foods are the porridge provided by Global Volunteers, mashed potatoes, and rice. He likes to play with his rabbit and his older brother. He has two older brothers: Shedrack (age 12, in Standard 6) and Sylvester (age 9, in Standard 4). Innocent’s mother is very grateful for the RCP Program. She says Innocent has been growing healthily without having diarrhea as his brothers did, and this is due to the education she has been receiving from workshops and home visits conducted by caregivers. Innocent is a very active and happy baby.
Edom Ngaile
Mkalanga village
Edom’s mom joined the RCP Program in January 2021 when she was five months pregnant with Edom. Edom’s favorite foods are the porridge provided by Global Volunteers and mashed bananas. He likes to play with sand and local toys. He has four brothers: Ezekia (age 15), Frank (age 13 in Standard Six), Daniel (age 11 in Standard Three), and Ivan (age 8 in Standard One). Edom’s mom says the nutritious porridge provided by Global Volunteers has helped her son to grow in good health without any challenges since the porridge is so nutritious. She also says Edom has been growing very differently than his older brothers did at his age, and she attributes this to the RCP Program.

Cleopatra Mdemu
Mkalanga village
Cleopatra’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Cleopatra likes to eat sweet potatoes and play with local toys made with plastic bags and pieces of clothes. She has one sibling, a brother, Martin, who is six years old. He is in Standard One. Cleopatra’s mom says that the education she receives in RCP workshops and at the Ipalamwa General Clinic have helped her to raise her daughter in good health. She hopes Cleopatra will become a nurse when she grows up.
Ramadhani Yasini
Ukwega village
Ramadhani’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Ramadhani likes to eat avocados and cooked bananas with vegetables. He likes playing with different toys and whatever he sees in front of him. He has one sibling, brother Edward, who is four years old and in kindergarten. Ramadhani is doing fine and is healthy. His parents hope he will become a doctor when he grows up.

Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of 5 children!
Samweli Mbwelwa – May 12, 2020 from Ukwega
Nabil Ngahatilwa – May 19, 2020 from Makungu
Richard Mtengela – May 27, 2020 from Makungu

Praisegod Kameta – May 25, 2020 from Makungu
Hildabrand Mwilafi – May 25, 2020 from Lulindi

PraiseGod Kameta
Makungu village
PraiseGod’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2020 when PraiseGod was two months old. PraiseGod likes to eat ugali with mushrooms, rice with beans, and fruits, like ripe bananas or avocados. She likes singing and dancing whenever she hears any music. PraiseGod has two brothers: Joackim Justine (age 8, in Standard One) and Eric Justine (age 5, in kindergarten). In 2021, PraiseGod was identified as stunted based on her monthly measurements taken at the Ipalamwa General Clinic. It was found that the baby wasn’t eating a balanced diet and her mother was passing through a difficult situation in her family. Through discussing her situation with her RCP Caregiver, she was directed to the Ipalamwa General Clinic, where she received assistance and medical care. Because the mom was open and wanted her child to grow well and be a happy child, they set strategies with caregivers by making a timetable to feed PraiseGod that included all food groups. PraiseGod began gaining weight and she is no longer stunted. She is in good health and very active now.
Hildabrand Mwilafi
Lulindi village
Hildabrand’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2020 when Hildabrand was one month old. Hildabrand likes to eat rice, ugali with beans, mashed potatoes, and fruits like avocados and oranges. She likes playing with toys, vehicles, bottles, and water. She also like singing school songs. She has two sisters: Leticia (age 12, Standard Seven) and Cleria (age 7, Standard Two). Hildabrand is very active. She is charming and sociable with her friends and siblings. Her parents hope she will become a social worker when she grows up.
Samweli Mbwelwa
Ukwega village
Samweli’s mother joined the RCP Program in August 2020 when Samweli was three months old. Samweli likes to eat roasted bananas and avocados. He likes to play football with his neighbor friends. He is the first born in his family. Samweli’s mom says she is very thankful for the program because since she joined, she has been getting education from various workshops on how to raise a healthy and happy child. She says this education has helped her in raising Samweli in good health without getting repeated infections.

Richard Mtengela
Makungu village
Richard’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2019. Richard’s favorite food is mashed bananas with meat. He likes to play with animals and play soccer with his brothers. He has two brothers: Meckson (age 11, in Standard 6) and Gideon (age 7, in Standard 3). Richard is a healthy and happy child. He loves taking care of animals. His mom hopes he will become an agricultural field officer when he grows up.
Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should be making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 8 children!
Matrida Mpalanzi – May 16, 2019 from Ukwega
Martha Mbungu – May 19, 2019 from Mkalanga
Sara Chusi – May 24, 2019 from Lulindi

Erick Lwanzali – May 1, 2019 from Mkalanga
Frank Duma – May 2, 2019 from Ipalamwa
Abelinego Nyaulingo – May 4, 2019 from Makungu
Nathaniel Nyamoga – May 6, 2019 from Ukwega
Jovin Kikoti – May 7, 2019 from Mkalanga

Jovin Kikoti
Mkalanga village
Jovin’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Jovin likes to eat avocado, ugali with beans, and cooked sweet potatoes. He likes to ride wooden handmade cars and play soccer with his siblings and neighbor friends. He has two older sisters: Zawadi, who is ten years old and in Standard Three, and Herieth, who is five years old and kindergarten. Jovin’s mother is so happy that her son is healthy, which she says is a result of her being in the program and benefitting from free health services as well as nutritional education. She says she hopes that her older children will become as healthy and active as Jovin is.
Nathaniel Nyamoga
Ukwega village
Nathaniel’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Nathaniel was one month old. He likes to eat rice with beans and sometimes beef with ripe bananas. He likes driving local toys made with boxes around. He is the first born in his family. Nathaniel’s mom says that her son is growing well and is smart due to the services they are receiving in the program. He is an intelligent child and is in good health.

Sara Chusi
Lulindi village
Sara’s mom joined the RCP Program in November 2018 when she was three months pregnant with Sara. Sara likes to eat the porridge provided by Global Volunteers, cooked bananas, rice with beans, ugali, avocados, and pineapples. She likes to play whatever her mom is doing, including cooking and washing clothes. She also likes playing with baby toys and playing soccer with her brother. Sara has three siblings: sister Ivon, who is 16 years old and studying at a vocational training center; brother Elisha Chusi, who is 12 years old and in Standard Seven; and sister Elkana, who is seven years old and in Standard Two. Sara is very active and intelligent. She likes to reason everything. She asks her mother or her siblings what things mean and asks many questions to learn more. Her parents hope she will become a lawyer when she grows up.
Abelnego Nyaulingo
Makungu village
Abelnego’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2019. Abelnego’s favorite foods are pumpkin and ugali with meat. He likes playing football and driving local toy cars around. He has one sibling, his older brother, Obadia, who is six years old and in kindergarten. Abelnego’s mom is so grateful for the RCP Program. She says that before joining the program, she didn’t know anything about birth control methods. She gave birth to her second child while her first child was still young. In the RCP workshops, she has learned about birth control methods and she has been using one without any complications.
Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate 5 children who are turning 4!
Miliki Kasuga – May 3, 2018 from Ukwega
Marco Kisawike – May 21, 2018 from Mkalanga
Ebenezer Mlonganile – May 22, 2018 from Mkalanga

Vainesi Mgoba – May 5, 2018 from Ukwega
Faraja Fugutilo – May 16, 2018 from Mkalanga

Miliki Kasuga
Ukwega village
Miliki’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Miliki was just over a year old. Miliki’s favorite food is rice and beans. He likes making cars using empty boxes and playing with toys. He has four sisters: Tumpa, who is 20 years old and lives in Ilula; Nayma, who is 17 years old and in Form Three; Tumsifu, who is 13 years old and in Standard Seven; and Tuliza Kasuga, who is ten years old and is Standard Four. Miliki’s mother is very appreciative of the program because she has been receiving knowledge and services such as education on hygiene and nutrition and services at the Ipalamwa General Clinic. She says that what she has learned on how to interact with her baby has helped her very much in raising a healthy and happy child. She is so pleased that he is in good health.
Marco Kisawike
Mkalanga village
Marco’s mom joined the RCP Program in September 2018 when Marco was four months old. Marco’s favorite foods are rice, beans, and vegetables. He likes to play soccer and help his mother do home activities like sweeping and washing utensils. He has one sibling, a six-year-old sister named Janet who is in Standard One. His mom hopes he will become a doctor when he grows up. Marco’s mom says that the education she has received from the program has helped her very much in raising her son because the baby is so intelligent and healthy compared to his older sister. She says this is the result of services from Global Volunteers such as hygiene and nutrition education and medical services from Ipalamwa General Clinic.

Vainesi Mgoba
Ukwega village
Vainesi’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Vainesi was just over a year old. Vainesi likes to eat ugali with vegetables and sometimes rice. She likes to jump rope with her siblings. She has five siblings: sister Elenesi, who is 16 years old and working in Iringa as a domestic worker; brother Fraidi, who is 13 years old and in Standard Six; sister Yudita, who is ten years old and in Standard Three; brother James, who is seven years old and in Standard Two; and brother Izack, who is six years old and in kindergarten. Vainesi is doing well and is in good health. Her mother says that is due to the education she has received from the workshops and home visits with caregivers. All of this has helped Vainesi to grow well, consistently gain weight, and be free from diseases. Her mother notes that this is different from her other children.
Faraja Fugutilo
Mkalanga village
Faraja’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018 when she was six months pregnant with Faraja. Faraja’s favorite food is rice and beans. She likes to play with toys and wash dishes. Faraja has four brothers: Steve, age 20; Eliya, age 15 and in Standard 7; Juhudi, age seven; and Bathromayo, age one. Faraja’s mom says the program is very helpful for her family since she has been receiving education in workshops and been putting into practice things like eating a balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods. This has been helping her family to grow healthy.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) in this story.
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