Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in November 2020!
The Reaching Children’s Potential (RCP) program of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 33 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in November, 2020. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 13 children!
Bertha Makongwa – November 5, 2019 from Ipalamwa
Coreta Kajiba – November 5, 2019 from Ukwega
Sayuni Masika – November 7, 2019 from Makungu
Marietha Seluinga – November 7, 2019 from Ukwega
Furaha Kahemela – November 10, 2019 from Makungu
Joyneta Kipinge – November 16, 2019 from Mkalanga
Retina Nzogela – November 17, 2019 from Mkalanga

Paulo Kavindi – November 1, 2019 from Ipalamwa
Robison Mkakatu – November 2, 2019 from Makungu
Johnson Mahewa – November 3, 2019 from Ukwega
Nifti Mmewa – November 10, 2019 from Ukwega
Goodhope Mfugale – November 23, 2019 from Lulindi
Imanuel Kalinga – November 29, 2019 from Mkalanga
Learn more about three of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:
Paul Kavindi Marietha Seluhinga with her mom
Paul Kavindi
Ipalamwa village
Paul’s mother joined the RCP Program when she was three months pregnant with Paul. Paul’s favorite food is Rise Against Hunger meals and he loves playing with other children. He is the first born in his family. Paul’s mom says he is very active and always happy.
Marietha Seluhinga
Ukwega village
Marietha’s mom joined the RCP Program when she was four months pregnant with Marietha. Marietha’s favorite foods are bananas and potatoes. She loves singing and praying. She is the first born in her family. Marietha’s mom says Marietha has been doing very well since she was born and she is still growing with good health. “Marietha” is a Catholic name that her mom chose for her. Her mom hopes Marietha will become a doctor in the future.

Sayuni Masika
Makungu village
Sayuni’s mom joined the RCP Program when Sayuni was five months old. Sayuni’s favorite foods are porridge, ugali, and vegetables. She has three older brothers ages 14, 9, and 6. She loves to play with them and imitate what her mother is doing like cooking or cleaning. Before joining the program, Sayuni’s mom says Sayuni was a little weak and very small, but since she started eating the Rise Against Hunger meals, her health has been improving and she is no longer weak and has been growing nicely. Sayuni’s mom says she is very happy because the program has been very helpful to the growth of her child.
Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of nine children!
Good Selemani – November 2, 2018 from Mkalanga
Daniel Mbata – November 6, 2018 from Ukwega
Adinai Kione – November 12, 2018 from Mkalanga
Hamza Kitosi – November 26, 2018 from Ukwega

Catherine Luginile – November 2, 2018 from Ukwega
Dorota Mwitula – November 5, 2018 from Lulindi
Glory Kipingi – November 6, 2018 from Mkalanga
Fausta Mgoba – November 16, 2018 from Ukwega
Nashra Mgeveke – November 18, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their second birthdays this month:
Daniel Mbata Fausta Mgoba Johnson Mahewa with his mom
Daniel Mbata
Ukwega village
Daniel’s mom joined the RCP Program when Daniel was nine months old. Daniel’s favorite food is mashed potatoes with meat. He loves playing football and driving toys. He has four sisters and they love him so much as he is their only brother. Daniel’s moms says he is charming and lovely all the time. His mother hopes he will become a teacher when he grows up.
Fausta Mgoba
Ukwega village
Fausta’s mom joined the RCP Program when Fausta was eight months old. Fausta’s favorite foods are ugali, vegetables, and beans. Fausta has three older siblings. She loves playing with her friends pretending like they are cooking, clapping her hands, and dancing whenever when she hears music or drums. Fausta was named after her aunt. Her mother says she is doing so well and she has never faced any health issues. Her mother’s dream is for Fausta to become a teacher in the future.
Johnson Mahewa
Ukwega village
Johnson’s mom joined the RCP Program when Johnson was nine months old. His favorite food is ugali with meat. He loves playing football with other children. Johnson has one older sister who is in kindergarten. She is so lovely to him as they spend time together when she comes home from school. Johnson is very active, has good understanding, and is very clever. His mother hopes he will become a soldier when he grows up.

Good Selemani
Mkalanga village
Good’s mom joined the RCP Program when she was eight months pregnant with Good. Good’s favorite food is rice and beans. He loves to play with toy cars and play football. He also like to dance to any song he hears. Good has one older brother, who is four years old. Good’s mother is very grateful to the program because her children are growing well since they are getting good nutrition. She says she has attended a lot of workshops that have been very helpful to her. She says Good is very active, understands a lot, and is brighter than his brother was at the same age. She thinks it might be because of the services and workshops provided by the program.
Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 9 children!
Nancy Mlengela – November 13, 2017 from Lulindi
Abiola Abdala – November 21, 2017 from Mkalanga
Miriam Kibiki – November 24, 2017 from Ukwega

Elia Godfrey – November 1, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Jacob Tula – November 2, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Omary Mgeveke – November 3, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Fanuel Sulime – November 3, 2017 from Mkalanga
Clavian Kikoti – November 17, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Gift Myumbo – November 24, 2017 from Lulindi
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their third birthdays this month:
Eliah Godfrey Clavian Kikoti
Eliah Godfrey
Ipalamwa village
Eliah’s mom joined the RCP Program when she five months pregnant with Eliah. Eliah’s favorite foods are ugali, beans, and bananas. He loves to sing and run after others. He loves racing. He has two brothers who are 7 and 4 years old and one sister who is 9 years old. Eliah’s mom is very grateful to the program because by the time she joined the program she was pregnant and her youngest child was a year old. They both need intensive care while she was a very low-income earner. She says the porridge and the Rise Against Hunger meals have played a great role in helping her children grow well despite the income challenges she had.
Clavian Kikoti
Ipalamwa village
Clavian’s mom joined the RCP Program when she was six months pregnant with Clavian. Clavian’s favorite foods are rice with beans and cooked bananas. He loves riding baby cars. He has a six-year-old brother who is in kindergarten. Clavian’s mother is very happy that her baby is turning three and is healthy and happy because she is a single mother and she says she didn’t know how to give the best to her child until she joined the program and acquired knowledge to help raise her children well. Clavian is doing great in his growth.
Gift Myumbo Miriam Kibiki
Gift Myumbo
Lulindi village
Gift’s mom joined the RCP Program when she was five months pregnant with Gift. Gift’s favorite foods are rice, bananas, potatoes, ugali with beans, vegetables, and fish. He loves to play football and ride in local toy cars. He has three sisters and one brother. Gift’s mother says he is very interactive and he always wants to share his toys with his fellows.
Miriam Kibiki
Ukwega village
Miriam’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Miriam was 19 months old. Miriam’s favorite food is ugali with meat. Miriam likes imitating her mother when cooking or washing dishes. She loves to clap her hands when she hears music. Miriam is the first born in her family. Miriam’s growth was delayed in many stages – learning to sit up, crawl, and stand. In 2019, physical therapy student volunteers worked with Miriam and her mother. They taught Miriam’s mom some exercises to do with Miriam to help her learn to stand. After doing those exercises, Miriam can now stand by herself. However, she still cannot walk. Miriam’s mother hopes she will start taking steps very soon. She says she is very grateful to the program and the physical therapy students who helped her.
Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate two children who are turning four!

Gladness Luginile – November 1, 2016 from Lulindi
Lustika Mtengela – November 1, 2016 from Lulindi

Learn more about the two little girls who are celebrating their fourth birthday this month:

Gladness Luginile
Lulindi village
Gladness’ mom joined the RCP Program in July 2017 when Gladness was nine months old. Gladness’ favorite foods are ugali with beans, vegetables, fish, and meat. She loves to play with dolls and pretend that she is cooking and feeding her baby doll. She has one older sister, who is six years old. They love each other very much. Gladness’ mom says Gladness likes to stay clean all the time. Whenever she feels like her hands are dirty, she washes them. She absolutely loves using the hand-washing station.
Lustika Mtengela
Lulindi village
Lustika’s mom joined the RCP Program when Lustika was nine months old. Lustika’s favorite foods are porridge, bananas, potatoes, and ugali with beans, meat, or fish. Lustika loves to sing, make up stories, fetch water, and play with other children pretending they are a family. She is the first born in her family. Lustika was not able to walk until she was two years old. Like Miriam Kibiki, Lustika was helped by physical therapy student volunteers who did exercises with her and showed her mom how to do them. Lustika’s mom followed the instructions and Lustika learned to walk. Now, she is doing great and is healthy. Her mom says she is a happy child.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential (RCP) program in this story.
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