Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in December 2021!
The Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 47 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in December, 2021. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 13 children!
Jacklin Kikoti – December 2, 2020 from Mkalanga
Fadhia Kalinga – December 14, 2020 from Mkalanga
Abelia Wihale – December 17, 2020 from Ukwega
Geniviver Luwhago – December 21, 2020 from Makungu
Mesia Mbugi – December 25, 2020 from Mkalanga
Konjeta Mpogo – December 28, 2020 from Makungu

Isdori Duma – December 3, 2020 from Ipalamwa
Ezrom Giha – December 5, 2020 from Mkalanga
Sylvester Ngimba – December 14, 2020 from Mkalanga
Elikana Mnyamba – December 15, 2020 from Mkalanga
Adiventi Mhanga – December 15, 2020 from Ukwega
Amos Mlengela – December 19, 2020 from Lulindi
Edga Kahemela – December 22, 2020 from Ukwega
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:

Edga Kahemela
Ukwega village
Edga’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Edga’s favorite foods are nutritious porridge and cooked banana sometimes with fruits. He loves to play with local toys with his siblings and other children. Edga has two siblings: Edifeli (age 7) and Femia (age 3). Edga’s mom says being a part of RCP has helped her to raise her younger children better. She says that the information she has learned in the workshops and through home visits conducted by RCP Caregivers has helped her to raise healthier children.

Ezrom Giha
Mkalanga village
Ezrom’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. His favorite food is the porridge provided by Global Volunteers. He likes playing with sand on the ground. Ezrom has an older sister, Veronica, who is four years old. Ezrom’s mom says she is very thankful for the program and that she enjoys and appreciates it because of the free services they receive at the Ipalamwa General Clinic, the nutritious porridge, and the EarthBoxes. She says she is pleased to be able to have access to vegetables grown at home and that her RCP Caregiver helps her enable her child to grow well and in good health.

Geniviver Luwhago
Makungu village
Geniviver’s mom joined the RCP Program in October 2020 when she was seven months pregnant with Geniviver. Geniviver’s favorite foods are fruits, and rice and beans. She likes to play kitchen. She has four siblings: Benson (age 16), Siaeli (age 14), Elisongu (age 11), and Halven (age 6). Geniviver’s mom says that being in the RCP Program has helped her to understand the role of parents as before she was not aware of how to care for children.

Mesia Mbugi
Mkalanga village
Mesia’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2020 when she was three months pregnant with Mesia. Mesia’s favorite food is rice with beans. She likes playing with local toys with her siblings and other children. She has two siblings: Boniface (age 12) and Samwel (age 7). Mesia’s mom says Mesia has been growing in good health and gaining weight. She has a good appetite and is an active child.
Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of 13 children!
Leonora Kigala – December 2, 2019 from Ipalamwa
Sarah Miho – December 3, 2019 from Ipalamwa
Galadia Maliga – December 3, 2019 from Ukwega
Careen Ngalembula – December 3, 2019 from Ukwega
Caroline Ngalembula – December 3, 2019 from Ukwega
Ruth Mpalanzi – December 5, 2019 from Ukwega
Samalia Chavala – December 6, 2019 from Mkalanga
Melisa Geofray John – December 9, 2019 from Ukwega
Ester Myenda – December 11, 2019 from Ukwega
Deoglasia Kasuga – December 11, 2019 from Ukwega
Mary Kadege – December 19, 2019 from Makungu
Mariam Mhanga – December 24, 2019 from Mkalanga

Sharom Kalinga – December 28, 2019 from Mkalanga
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their second birthdays this month:

Deoglasia Kasuga
Ukwega village
Deoglasia’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when she was three months pregnant with Deoglasia. Deoglasia’s favorite food is rice with beans and avocado. She likes to play with local toys. She is the first born in her family. Deoglasia’s mom says she is very thankful for the program because she is a teenage mother, but through the workshops and education she has been receiving through the RCP Program, she has managed to raise her baby in good health with no medical challenges.

Sharom Kalinga
Mkalanga village
Sharom’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Sharom’s favorite food is rice with beans and ripe bananas. He likes to play soccer. He has an older brother, Emmanuel, who is six years old. Sharom’s mom says she appreciates the RCP Program because her baby is very active and in good health.

Ester Myenda
Ukwega village
Ester’s mom joined the RCP program in June 2019 when she was three months pregnant with Ester. Ester’s favorite food is rice with beans. She likes to play dodge ball. She has three siblings: Jeina (age 15), Anjelista (age 9), and Rashid (age 6). Ester’s mom says she is growing differently than her other children were at her age. She hasn’t had any health problems, which her mom attributes to what she has learned in the RCP Program.
Mary Kadege
Makungu village
Mary’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2019 when she was four months pregnant with Mary. Mary’s favorite food is ugali with meat and beans. She likes playing with toys. She has an older sister, Jenifer, who is three years old. Her mother says she likes being in the RCP Program because they receive good services and learn new things.

Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should be making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 14 children!
Goodwin Ngusi – December 7, 2018 from Ukwega
Naseeb Mgeveke – December 11, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Octavian Mlonganile – December 14, 2018 from Mkalanga
Paulo Mkane – December 15, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Dennis Mfugale – December 18, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Aivan Sulime – December 29, 2018 from Mkalanga

Najma Khamis – December 2, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Agresha Samnila – December 2, 2018 from Mkalanga
Protifa Kavindi – December 5, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Gisera Myenda – December 19, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Provila Duma – December 20, 2018 from Lulindi
Lizzy Samina – December 21, 2018 from Lulindi
Rachel Kigava – December 29, 2018 from Ukwega
Selasiana Chota – December 31, 2018 from Ukwega
Learn more about three of the children who are celebrating their third birthdays this month:

Agresha Samnila
Mkalanga village
Agresha’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Agresha’s favorite food is ugali with fish. She likes to play with dolls. She has two older brothers: Enco (age 9) and Vanson (age 5). Agresha’s mom says Agresha has a sharp mind and understands more things than her brothers did when they were her age. She has not suffered from repeated infections, her mom says, because she has been in the program and learned about good health and hygiene.

Selesiana Chota
Ukwega village
Selesiana’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when Selesiana was six months old. Selesiana’s favorite foods are porridge and ugali with vegetables. She likes carrying toys. She has two siblings: Melesiana (age 13) and France (age 7). Selesiana was stunted according to the measurements taken each month at the Ipalamwa General Clinic, but through effective home visits with her RCP Caregiver in which her caregiver spoke with her mom about how to feed Selesiana, the baby is no longer stunted. She is in good health now and doing great.

Octavian Mlonganile
Mkalanga village
Octavian’s mom joined the RCP Program in February 2018. His favorite food is rice with beans. He likes playing with toys and washing dishes. He has two older sisters: Amina (age 8) and Miriam (age 7). Octavian’s mom hopes he will become a doctor when he grows up. She says she enjoys being in the program since she receives medical services at the Ipalamwa General Clinic and attends workshops which help her in raising her child.
Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate 7 children who are turning 4!
Timotheo Kombole – December 1, 2017 from Ukwega
Adriano Mbofu – December 13, 2017 from Ukwega
Samwel Mpalanzi – December 19, 2017 from Mkalanga

Christina Giha – December 6, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Sincere Nyamoga – December 26, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Holiness Kidava – December 27, 2017 from Mkalanga
Winfrida Kilave – December 31, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Learn more about the four children who are celebrating their fourth birthdays this month:

Adriano Mbofu
Ukwega village
Adriano’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. His favorite food is sweet potatoes. He likes driving local toys and cars. He has one older sister, Odina, who is six years old and in kindergarten. His mom says that she finds it easier to raise Adriano because of the knowledge she has acquired from the program on how to raise a healthy family.

Timotheo Kombole
Ukwega village
Timotheo’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2019. He likes to eat rice and meat, and he likes to play with soccer balls. He has two siblings: Gabriel (age 11) and Gladness (age 6). Timotheo’s mom says that before joining the RCP Program, Timotheo was frequently sick, but since she joined the program, he has been growing well. She says this is due to the education she has been receiving from workshops on topics such as health and hygiene. She is so pleased Timotheo is in good health.

Samwel Mpalanzi
Mkalanga village
Samwel’s mom joined the RCP Program in June 2018 when Samwel was six months old. His favorite foods are bananas, and rice with beans and meat. He likes playing soccer and helping his mother with household chores like sweeping, washing dishes, and preparing cooking ingredients. He has three siblings: Bless (age 10), Naftali (age 8), and a baby sister, Glory, just born in November. Samwel’s mom says Samwel is growing in good health as a result of the good and supportive assistance from the program, such as health services and education for the family. She says she is grateful for the services that she received at the Ipalamwa General Clinic when she gave birth last month and throughout her pregnancy when she went for regular checkups. She hopes her newborn will grow healthy like her older siblings.

Sincere Nyamoga
Ipalamwa village
Sincere’s mom joined the RCP Program at its inception in July 2017. Sincere’s favorite foods are rice, ugali, beans, bananas, potatoes, and fish. She likes to play kitchen with different toys and help her mother. She has three siblings: Ezra (age 17), Emrini (age 10), and Dorcas. Sincere’s mom says she is a very active child and she hopes she will become a teacher when she grows up.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) in this story.
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