Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in February 2021!
The Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 25 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in February, 2021. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 5 children!
Yesta Kitosi – February 3, 2020 from Ukwega
Andrena Kitosi – February 4, 2020 from Ukwega
Myla Lwila – February 21, 2020 from Ipalamwa

Hosea Kahemela – February 22, 2020 from Mkalanga
Joshua Lupembe – February 24, 2020 from Makungu
Learn more about three of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:

Myla Iwila
Ipalamwa village
Myla’s mother joined the RCP Program in May 2019. Myla’s favorite foods are rice and meat, bananas, and sweet potatoes. She loves to run after chickens. Myla is the first born in her family. Her father passed away before she was born. She was born premature and weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces. Myla’s mom says she is very grateful for the services she received at the Ipalamwa General Clinic and all that she has learned through RCP to take care of her baby. She reports that Myla is turning one year old happy and in good health.

Yesta Kitosi
Ukwega village
Yesta’s mother joined the RCP Program in June 2019 when she was one month pregnant with Yesta. Yesta’s favorite foods are rice and beans. She loves to play with a bottle her mother made for her as a toy and make noise with it. Yesta has three siblings. Her mom really appreciates the Rise Against Hunger meals to provide her family with nutritious meals.
Hosea Kahemela
Mkalanga village
Hosea’s mother joined the RCP Program in May 2019. Hosea’s favorite foods are Rise Against Hunger meals. He loves to play with balls. He has two older brothers. Hosea is very smart and clever and is quite different from his brothers, his mother says. She also says she is so grateful for the RCP Program and that treatment and medication at the Ipalamwa General Clinic are free of charge. She says, “It is good program for me and my family.”
Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of 6 children — all girls!

Letina Kikula – February 1, 2019 from Makungu
Glory Kigala – February 11, 2019 from Ukwega
Ester Edson – February 13, 2019 from Ukwega
Ezania Kasuga – February 22, 2019 from Ukwega
Abigai Ngalembula – February 24, 2019 from Mkalanga
Evalina Mhole – February 28, 2019 from Ukwega

Learn more about three of the children who are celebrating their second birthdays this month:

Glory Kigala
Ukwega village
Glory’s mother joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Glory’s favorite food is rice and beans. She likes to play cook and pretend she is cooking all kinds of foods. She has four older siblings. Her mother says Glory is doing great and doesn’t have any problems. She hopes her daughter will become a teacher when she grows up.

Letina Nkula
Makungu village
Letina’s mother joined the RCP Program in July 2019 when Letina was five months old. Letina’s favorite foods are meat and fish. She loves playing with toys and with other children. She has two brothers and two sisters. Her mother says that Letina loves Rise Against Hunger meals and asks for them early in the morning.
Ester Edson
Ukwega village
Ester’s mother joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Ester’s favorite foods are bananas and rice with meat. She loves to play with toys. She has two older brothers. Her mother says that Ester is doing very well and is a very bright and creative child.
Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 4 children!
Abi Nosa – February 1, 2018 from Ukwega
Jackson Chongela – February, 2018 from Makungu
Grefrey Kikoti – February 22, 2018 from Ukwega

Negress Lunyali – February 20, 2018 from Ukwega
Learn more about two of the children who are celebrating their third birthdays this month:

Negress Lusasi
Ipalamwa village
Negress’ mother joined the RCP Program in October 2017. Negress’ favorite foods are rice, bananas, and beans. She loves to play cooking and with other children. She is the first born in her family. Her mother says, “It was my pleasure to learn from RCP how to take care of newborns. All the RCP workshops I have attended helped me to gain skills and knowledge on how to take care of my child. I love that my child has been growing well and happy.”
Abi Nosa
Ukwega village
Abi’s mother joined the RCP Program in June 2019. Abi’s favorite foods are bananas, rice, chapati, and ugali. He loves playing with toys and playing soccer with other children. He has two older siblings.
Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate 3 children who are turning 4!
Imani Kikoti – February 21, 2017 from Mkalanga

Francis Mgeveke – February 14, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Abrahamu Kasenegale – February 18, 2017 from Mkalanga
Learn more about the three children who are celebrating their fourth birthdays this month:

Francis Mgeveke
Ipalamwa village
Francis’ mother joined the RCP Program when it started in July 2017. Francis’ favorite foods are rice, beans, and potatoes. He loves playing with toys and mud. He has two older brothers who are in primary school. Francis’ mother says Francis understands more than his brothers did at his age.

Abraham Kasenegala
Mkalanga village
Abraham’s mother joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Abraham’s favorite food is rice with beans and vegetables. He loves playing with other children. He has two older siblings who are in school. Abraham’s mother says he is kind and polite, and quite different from his brothers. His mother says she has benefitted a great deal from the workshops and the services her family has received at the Ipalamwa General Clinic.
Imani Kikoti
Mkalanga village
Imani’s mother joined the RCP Program in February 2018. Imani’s favorite foods are rice with fish. She loves to sing children’s songs and play with other children. She has two older siblings. Her mother says that the RCP Program has had a great impact on her family, especially because of the availability of meals and medication.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential Program (RCP) in this story.
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