Happy Healthy Birthdays for These RCP Children in October, 2020!
The Reaching Children’s Potential (RCP) program of the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania measures its success by the growth and development of the children in the program. Read about 53 girls and boys who reached their first, second, third, and fourth birthdays in good health and on target to reach all their development milestones in October, 2020. We celebrate them and their families!
First Birthdays: This is a proud milestone! In Tanzania, about 6 in 10 deaths occur in the first year of life; with 4 of those occurring the first month, according to UNICEF. RCP families have the information and resources to ensure a healthy start for their children. This month, we celebrate the first birthdays of 14 children!
Naomy Kigava – October 4, 2019 from Ukwega
Anziwike Kitosi – October 8, 2019 from Ukwega
Cleopatra Lwanzali – October 10, 2019 from Mkalanga
Jenifa Kigava – October 12, 2019 from Ukwega
Adelina Kalinga – October 13, 2019 from Lulindi
Sabrina Lubugo – October 16, 2019 from Lulindi
Abelia Msola – October 17, 2019 from Ukwega
Nasero Chavala – October 19, 2019 from Ukwega
Lightness Giha – October 23, 2019 from Ipalamwa
Noreeni Duma – October 23, 2019 from Ukwega
Gregoriatte Ndenga – October 25, 2019 from Ukwega

Gervas Sulime – October 21, 2019 from Mkalanga
Himidi Chavala – October 23, 2019 from Makungu
Junior Msungu – October 26, 2019 from Mkalanga
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their first birthdays this month:

Ukwega village
Naomi’s mom joined the RCP Program in July 2019 when she was six months’ pregnant. Naomi’s favorite foods are rice and meat. She likes playing with toys, listening to music, and singing Gospel songs. One of the songs she likes is called “Yesu Waweza”, which means “Jesus, you are able”. She has two siblings, a brother and a sister. They always spend time with Naomi and love her so much. Naomi is a very calm and corporative child, especially when her mom is cooking or washing clothes. She likes to help or imitate what her mom does. She is still a bit timid around strangers.

Ipalamwa village
Lightness’ mom joined the RCP program in May 2019 when she was four months pregnant. Lightness likes to eat rice with beans and sweet potatoes. She likes to play with tools which produce different sounds. She has a six-year-old brother who is in kindergarten at Fikano Primary School in Ipalamwa. Her mom says that she has noticed Lightness is healthier than her brother was when he was her age because she is able to breastfeed more. The Rise Against Hunger meals help her produce enough breastmilk for Lightness. She is very happy about this.

Lulindi village
Sabrina’s mom joined the RCP program in July 2019 when she was six months pregnant. Sabrina likes to eat rice, ugali, fish, beans, bananas, and avocados. She likes to play with different toys, with other children, and with water. She is the first born in her family. Sabrina’s mom says she is always very interactive, healthy, and happy.

Ukwega village
Gregoriatte’s mom joined the RCP program in June 2019 when she was five months’ pregnant. Gregoriatte’s favorite foods are rice and meat. She likes driving car toys and imitating different sounds of cars when driving. She is the first born in her family. She has been very active and doing well since she was born. She is growing very nicely, her mother says. Her mother hopes she will become a soldier when she is older.
Second Birthday: By the time a child turns two years old, s/he should be walking and running alone, talking a little, carrying toys, and exploring boundaries. This month, we celebrate the second birthdays of 21 children!
Japhet Ngendelo – October 1, 2018 from Lulindi
Godwin Mgoba – October 3, 2018 from Ukwega
Adeni Nyalusi – October 3, 2018 from Ukwega
Iddi Mtei – October 9, 2018 from Ukwega
Liston Madege – October 10, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Ivoni Kione – October 10, 2018 from Mkalanga
Gideon Nyamoga – October 15, 2018 from Lulindi
Joakim Kitosi – October 15, 2018 from Makungu
Abimeleck Kaiwanga – October 23, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Daniel Ndenga – October 27, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Zakaria Mgaya – October 31, 2018 from Ukwega

Anjerika Munyi – October 4, 2018 from Ukwega
Lightness Mwitula – October 9, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Fausta Kikoti – October 11, 2018 from Mkalanga
Bless Kipingi – October 16, 2018 from Makungu
Unice Mbwelwa – October 21, 2018 from Ukwega
Patricia Mgeni – October 21, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Bertha Mgeveke – October 23, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Irene Mtweve – October 25, 2018 from Lulindi
Grace Msigala – October 25, 2018 from Makungu
Hulda Kikoti – October 28, 2018 from Ipalamwa
Learn more about four of the children who are celebrating their second birthdays this month:

Ukwega village
Godwin’s mom joined the program in June 2019, when Godwin was eight months old. Godwin’s favorite foods are rice and beans. Most of the time he likes to play with a soccer ball with his friends. He was named after the doctor who delivered him at Mawaki Dispensary in Ukwega village. Godwin was the first child the doctor delivered in Ukwega village.

Ipalamwa village
Bertha’s mom joined the RCP program in February 2019 when Bertha was four months old. Bertha’s favorite foods are milk, eggs, and bananas. Her favorite activities are running after chickens and playing with mud. Bertha has one older sister who is in kindergarten at Fikano Primary School in Ipalamwa. She really loves her mother and when her mother is around, she doesn’t want to play with anyone else. Bertha also loves to smile.

Lulindi village
His mother joined the RCP program in December 2018 when he was two months old. He likes to eat rice, eggs, bananas, avocados, and milk. His favorite activities are playing with a soccer ball, writing and drawing using sticks on the ground, and trying to count numbers. He has four brothers and two sisters. Gideon was the first baby ever to be delivered at the Ipalamwa General Clinic. His mother says he is very healthy and happy all the time.

Lulindi village
Irene’s mother joined the RCP program in December 2018 when Irene was two months old. Irene’s favorite foods are Rise Against Hunger meals, cooked bananas, ugali with beans, potatoes, and rice. She really likes to act like she is cooking as she always observes her mother. She likes drawing figures on the ground and trying to write and count numbers. She has five older siblings. Irene has been a healthy baby since she was born. She has a very good understanding and her mother is very good in following all the instructions that the program is giving to help her and Irene.
Third Birthday: At this milestone, a child’s vocabulary should be expanding, and s/he should making up stories and play activities, and learning to build relationships. This month, we celebrate the third birthdays of 9 children!
Happy Makukuru – October 1, 2017 from Mkalanga
Neema Mpalanzi – October 7, 2017 from Lulindi
Janeth Myamba – October 23, 2017 from Mkalanga
Miriam Lwanzali – October 24, 2017 from Mkalanga
Prisca Lugenge – October 29, 2017 from Ipalamwa

Nathael Mhandisa – October 13, 2017 from Mkalanga
Hemed Nduta – October 16, 2017 from Mkalanga
Alvaro Makilika – October 26, 2017 from Mkalanga
Jese Giha – October 31, 2017 from Ipalamwa
Learn more about two of the children who are celebrating their third birthdays this month:

Mkalanga village
Miriam’s mother joined the RCP program in February 2018 when Miriam was four months old. Miriam loves to eat rice and her favorite activity is playing with toys on her back as if they were a baby. She is the first born in her family. Miriam does not forget anything that her mom teaches her. Her mother proudly reports that she is potty trained and she does not forget anyone who goes in and out of their house. Her mother prohibits her from using the Hehe language, which is her mother tongue, as it will be difficult for Miriam to learn when she goes to school where Swahili is spoken. Miriam likes to dance and sing kids songs. Her mother hopes that Miriam will become a nurse one day.

Neema Mpalanzi
Lulindi village
Neema’s mother joined the RCP program in July 2017 when she was six months pregnant. Neema likes to eat ugali, rice, potatoes, bananas, beans, vegetables, fish, meat, and avocadoes. Neema likes to act like she is cooking and she also loves writing and counting numbers. She has two brothers. She is very independent when she is at home.
Fourth Birthday: By the time a child reaches four years old, s/he should be able to hop, throw and kick balls, and climb and swing with ease. At this age, Tanzanian children are often helping with household tasks and taking care of younger siblings. S/he likely is helping carry water and wood, and maybe shucking peas, corn, and beans. Playtime at this age is lessened, and the child becomes important for family support. This month, we celebrate 9 children who are turning four!
Ezra Kavindi – October 4, 2016 from Lulindi
Hekima Mkongogo – October 6, 2016 from Lulindi
Zaina Kikoti – October 14, 2016 from Mkalanga
Ester Onesmo – October 16, 2016 from Ipalamwa
Gloria Peter – October 23, 2016 from Lulindi
Ferahini Mbata – October 26, 2016 from Ukwega
Clara Myamba – October 30, 2016 from Lulindi

Livael Nosa – October 1, 2016 from Ipalamwa
Batista Nyamoga – October 8, 2016 from Lulindi
Learn more about one little girl who is celebrating her fourth birthday this month:

Ezra Kaavindi
Lulindi village
Ezra’s mother joined the RCP program in July 2017. Ezra likes to eat bananas, rice, potatoes, ugali, beans, fish, and avocadoes. Her favorite activities are sleeping on the floor, washing her clothes, playing cook, fetching water, and writing and drawing on the floor. She has three sisters. Ezra is so obedient to her parents, sisters, and everyone else around her. She is very charming and loving, but she is usually very careful with the people that she is not familiar with.
Learn more about the impact of Global Volunteers’ Reaching Children’s Potential (RCP) program in this story.
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