Reaching Children’s Potential in Tanzania: Welcome to Eva Ngusi
Every month, Global Volunteers’ caregivers in the Ukwega Ward of Tanzania meet with families who wish to participate in the Reaching Children’s Potential (RCP) Demonstration Program. The goal of RCP is to eliminate childhood stunting in all five of the villages served: Ipalamwa, Makalanga, Lulindi, Ukwega, and Makungu. Specifically, families obtain the nutrition, health care, knowledge, technology, and encouragement needed to combat stunting, and to ensure their children can realize their full potential. We’re happy to welcome Eva Ngusi to the RCP “family” this month.
Eva Ngusi was born in Ukwega village where she completed primary school. She is married and lives with her husband. They are expecting their first child.
Why did you decide to join the RCP Program, Eva?
I decided to join RCP to get more knowledge on how to take care of children and how to take care of myself as a pregnant woman. I am four months pregnant. I’ve seen that RCP moms are enjoying being a part of the program.
What have you heard about the RCP Program?
I heard the RCP Program supports pregnant women and children to improve their health, and that they receive Rise Against Hunger meals and are visited by caregivers in their homes. I’ve also heard the RCP Program helps families in the program to attend workshops, which are so helpful because they gain new skills. When the RCP Caregivers and volunteers conduct home visits, the moms have told me they feel honored and it’s a good time for them to share their private concerns with someone at their own home.
What is your source of income?
I don’t have any source of income rather than agricultural activities. Sometimes my husband works doing some other type of labor and earns a little bit of money.
What is your greatest concern about your health?
The main concern is I feel tired and sometimes nauseated.
What do you hope to gain by participating in the RCP Program?
To have a safe delivery at the Ipalwama General Clinic, to learn more about child growth, to receive meals and a hand-washing station, and to receive the many benefits of being an RCP mom. Also, in the future, I hope my child will do wonders at school and have a normal social life because I will have learned a lot about caring for children from the RCP Program.

About RCP’s Focus on Stunting:
Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psycho-social stimulation. Children are defined as stunted if their height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the World Health Organization’s Child Growth Standards median. Global Volunteers’ RCP Program is a child-focused, parent-driven, family-centered, and community-led comprehensive effort beginning with pregnancy and continuing through the 18th birthday, focusing on the first 1,000 days of life. Ending stunting is the goal of the RCP Program in the Ukwega Ward in central Tanzania. Learn more here.
You can help Eva and nearly 600 other RCP mothers learn how to enable their children to reach their full potential. Support Global Volunteers’ RCP Program with a monthly or one-time gift now, and join a future service program to bring important resources to families in the Ukwega Ward.
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